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fatreg Posts: > 500

good good

glad it's all sorted! woo
Posted: 2007-12-09 00:00:01
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Danny_BFC Posts: 499

Nearly bought a mac mini today. Forgot about the auction tho

Might buy a modern XP laptop and put os x on it lol
Posted: 2007-12-09 00:54:11
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p900 lover Posts: > 500

Just get a mac, lol

while im here ill use someones help, iv been trying to change my setting to make windows media player my defult play, only to watch stuff on do4 and listen to radio stations but not really sure how to??
Posted: 2007-12-11 01:58:46
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themarques Posts: > 500

what is DO4 or do you mean 4OD? If it is 40D then you will need media player 10 plus with DRM blah blah so that wont work.

But to make anything you so called preferred player you will need to download the link firstly to that file eg pls from shoutcast it will download to your desktop or wherever, right click on it and say OPEN WITH and select windows media and then apply to all. So basically any PLS file that comes down know will open in windows media.

If the file is embedded into the browser then that as far as I am aware is not possible unless you dissociate the current player that its trying to open up in to not open that certain file.
Posted: 2007-12-12 21:59:29
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fatreg Posts: > 500

flip4mac plays embedded windoze media files
Posted: 2007-12-12 22:23:23
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Hlcn Twst Posts: > 500

So... no aTV users here

Another question: I'm deciding between the 80 and 160 GB iPod Classic. The 160 would let me have all of my music with me in Apple Lossless format! But there are rumors that putting Lossless files on a HD-based iPod wears it out faster, due to the much larger file sizes. Any truth to this?

Posted: 2007-12-13 19:07:16
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themarques Posts: > 500

I am not aware of it impacting on the drive, but larger files do drain the battery more as the hard drive needs to spin alot more to write it to memory.

I am not sure if you are going to hear any difference on the ipod hardware after 256 AAC VBR, maybe easier if you have an external library to dump all your lossless files there and compress them down for the ipod.
Posted: 2007-12-13 20:30:54
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

I've just downloaded some rather large files and when i try to extract them there is no rar file so i ran all the par files and they all came up as correct and not needing repair. But there is still no rar file so i have no way of opening it as if i click one it just comes up with no files to extract.

Bearing in mind unison displayed 19 transfers as active but there was nothing in the transfer window so i had to force quick the application. Not sure what to do to get these working. Anybody got any idea what to try next or do i need to start all over again?

Posted: 2007-12-15 11:33:31
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fatreg Posts: > 500

split and concat is what you need wifey...

Posted: 2007-12-15 14:27:49
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fatreg Posts: > 500

I've only just realised that dictionary can also access wikipedia!

get in!
Posted: 2007-12-15 15:42:28
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