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HyperiaBlue Posts: 424

Well mine i chose cos i love the colour for the "hyperia" bit...thats my excitement coming through so...put it together and you get:

Posted: 2005-03-11 18:47:47
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msmmsm Posts: 187

My initials (MSM), could not get that hence msmmsm
Posted: 2005-03-11 19:02:53
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mrao Posts: > 500

I chose my initials. No way im gonna forget those:-) This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2005-03-11 19:21:52
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Frubin Posts: > 500

I like the yoghurt in those tubes called "Frubes" (hence my short alias of my username), experimented with different combinations and came up with Frubin! This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2005-03-11 19:37:39
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amnesia Posts: > 500

my name is based on my White Hat hacker name.
An old group known as Oxygen was created nearly 7 years ago.
The group was slightly destructive (as you usually start off with)
some of the members included, Stryder (Theory of Hacking), Bliss (wireless exploits), Mobman (sub7 trojan), CyberUK (founder of Cybercracks), and of course myself (an exploiter).

We were 11 in total. Eventually we broke up due to the fact that some of us wanted to move into White Hat hacking (the use of hacking knowledge for better rather than worse).
Oxygen Inc. was created where we created White Viruses (a form of an anti virus that spread like a virus and cleaned people's computers), tried to shut down as many black sites as we could, and eventually went into being the first people to patch the RCP (svchost shutdown, the one where you get 60 seconds then your pc shuts down).

Ever since, I've moved Oxygen Inc. into being a nice homepage for people to get some friendly info. Started the Oxygen Network, where quality sites were linked to each other.

As for personally, I've left that scene and focused on Graphic Design.

Ironically I'm now studying Law.

Oh perhaps I went too far into my history, but I created a virus called the 'Forgotten' that stamped 'Windows Lost' (to show how it was easy to exploit windows, as it eventually lead to the Windows Update service, of course many other factors had an influence) So Forgotten, Lost, Amnesia.
Posted: 2005-03-12 01:43:12
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*Jojo* Posts: > 500

On 2003-06-27 09:25:50, iyiinsan wrote:
I've been using it for 4 years... I had a friend whose friend used this nickname and I kind'a stole it!!! In Turkish Iyi means nice, fine, good and insan means human, man...

@masseur: Can I steal your sign, too? Never mind, mine makes me feel better, after those 22 years of losing the Eurovision with 0 points...

@iyiinsan - It also means . . . 'sometimes' here in Manila !

I chose (JN) because, I really idolize this great man -> (J)esus of (N)azareth !
Posted: 2005-03-12 03:41:25
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masterp Posts: 250

i chose this name because im using it for years in computer games

and my other option was MASTER OF DISASTER but sounded a bit negative
Posted: 2005-03-12 04:06:15
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harvey172 Posts: > 500

i chose (if thats how u spell it) mine cuz on hotmail "harvey172" waz an alternative 2 harvey. n i thought aw cool 172 clio so i picked it. n now its my username 4 everythin!!! This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2005-03-12 04:23:56
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voda_jon Posts: > 500

i chose mine coz i work for vodafone and the jon bit.... well thats the guise i go under on the net so i dont get found out!
Posted: 2005-03-12 21:22:40
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SsTiTcH Posts: 173

was in army hospital getting put back together..saw lilo & stitch on the telly thot stitch was kewl. so chose it as username when started surfing wap..but due to painpills and typo it came out sstitch...
Posted: 2005-03-18 00:33:00
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