General discussions : Non mobile discussion : What's your reason to feel crap today?
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> What's your reason to feel crap today?
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I still have my great grand parents alive thank god!
I dunno how i will cope with a death in the family, of a close relative
Sad to hear about ur loss masseur! May her soul rest in peace. Amen.
I feel crappy today...cuz...
1, i need a hair cut
2, i need a shave
3, i need credit in my phone
4, i need an n95
5, i need some food
6, i need gas for my car
7, i need a bath
8, i need to give my kitty a bat
9, i need to open up and clean all of my phones
10i need some more holidays! its saturday and just one more day
And u think u lot had it bad!
Posted: 2007-11-10 09:41:56
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I just wanted to post that I was suffering from hangover. That was why I feel crap today.
Than I read masseur's loss. Sorry for your loss mate. As you said we should make the most of it while we've got it...
Posted: 2007-11-10 12:26:22
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@ sherry why bother shaving?
Posted: 2007-11-10 13:30:58
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Good luck with bathing the kitty. I hope there is some skin left on your arms afterwards.
Posted: 2007-11-10 13:45:14
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@masseur: sorry to hear this. this is an inevitable step we all must do. be strong man, i know what it is. may her soul rests in peace
@$herry: it seems that you have i-symptons
Posted: 2007-11-10 14:18:45
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@masseur, very sorry to hear the terrible news
Posted: 2007-11-10 14:22:31
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@paul: my gf hates it when my tiny little beard hair tickle no beard!
@goldenface: armoured gloves

plus, my kitty is manicured so there's not much danger...prolly around 5-7 cuts... no big deal for a war veteran like me
@tranced: i have I NEED symptoms..
Posted: 2007-11-10 17:44:19
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my brothers foaming me!!!!
Posted: 2007-11-10 18:57:24
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Superluminova Posts: > 500
a lovely pigeon pooed on my today, then later when i returned to my car i had a flat tyre!
on a plus i got my iphone, but i can't use it because they're is no hack
Posted: 2007-11-10 20:54:11
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@Superluminova were you having a stupid buying day?
Posted: 2007-11-10 22:50:40
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