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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-06 09:00:03, islandprd wrote:
Dont tell me no one ever see peeled and cracked Nokia
Condition and durability ares very much based on users.

[ This Message was edited by: islandprd on 2008-12-06 08:00 ]

That is either an N95-2/4 with the soft-finish backing. Those are very prone to start peeling when ppl with oily hands use them. When the absorbed oil begins to dry, the soft-felt-like backing begins to peel. This is over time though. Unfortunately we don't know the abuse if any this phone has gone through unless its yours. This soft-touch finish was pioneered by Motorola on the V300 model a few years ago.

On 2008-12-06 23:40:00, Bonovox wrote:
Nokia 6300 6500 Slide 6500 Classic 6600 Slide etc they all have good build. Its the same with Nokia or SE some models are bad some are great.

well said! Thank you!

Currently Nokia E71 NAM.
T18z|T39m twice loveless|:SE: K750|W810| BB Pearl|K790a|K850i.

[ This Message was edited by: Prom1 on 2008-12-06 23:17 ]
Posted: 2008-12-07 00:15:59
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se_dude Posts: > 500

What I have been trying to say for the last 10 pages of posting is that the N97 is scheduled to arrive May 09, and comparisons to the X1 or for regard, any of the phones in the market is totally incomprehendable.It is a good phone, but people here are trying to blow it beyond words.

As of now, the Innov8 is the most powerful symbian phone till date.No Nokia comes close to challenge its usperiority.We will havea valid discussion when the phone emerges in the summer.

On 2008-12-06 14:54:50, QVGA wrote:

yes exactly, so why bother arguing with him? he's just an attention whore, so leave him be.

I guess this language comes naturally to you,and I dont blame you

[ This Message was edited by: se_dude on 2008-12-07 04:40 ]
Posted: 2008-12-07 05:39:04
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QVGA Posts: > 500

what you're trying to do is to bash N97 only by looking at its pics. you went as far as to call it a phone with bad built quality.
dont talk to me about language, we have ample proof of what kind of person you really are and your true colors. go blow your trumpet somewhere else, because we're not interested.
Posted: 2008-12-07 06:45:51
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Dextrr Posts: 279

On 2008-12-07 05:39:04, se_dude wrote:
What I have been trying to say for the last 10 pages of posting is that the N97 is scheduled to arrive May 09, and comparisons to the X1 or for regard, any of the phones in the market is totally incomprehendable.It is a good phone, but people here are trying to blow it beyond words.

As of now, the Innov8 is the most powerful symbian phone till date.No Nokia comes close to challenge its usperiority.We will havea valid discussion when the phone emerges in the summer.

On 2008-12-06 14:54:50, QVGA wrote:

yes exactly, so why bother arguing with him? he's just an attention whore, so leave him be.

I guess this language comes naturally to you,and I dont blame you

[ This Message was edited by: se_dude on 2008-12-07 04:40 ]

Ermmm - Aside from the wonderful-better-than-C905 8mp cam, you do realize it uses S60 which is ALMOST the same as what all Nokia smartphone have. So you praising the INNOV8 is like praising S60 and indirectly Nokia which now owns 99% of Symbian. I love this guy and his rational. He's gonna have a fit when his beloved SE uses Symbian in the not so distant future. Hardware/Body made by SE - Software/Soul made by Nokia.

And the INNOV8 doesn't have a touchscreen which is a definate plus and favors the N97 IMFO.

I remember how SE fanboys used to bash Nokia for lack of a touchscreen. Since, that's been taken care of, all they have left to rag on is the 'build quality' even if SE's isn't any better either.
Posted: 2008-12-07 07:17:35
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driftmania Posts: > 500

And Samsung's S60 phones doesn't have nearly as much support as Nokia's, like updates, and compatibility with software.
Posted: 2008-12-07 07:53:03
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djin Posts: > 500

Nokia releases loads of updates because their phones need it! When n96 came out, they released 3 updates within the first month itself! Why? Because it was so buggy(if u wanna have proof, go to nokia forum and check out how may ppl whined about this phone) and it still is....
Innov8's condition was better than this.
However, i hope N97 wont have this same problem.
Posted: 2008-12-07 18:51:53
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se_dude Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-07 07:17:35, Dextrr wrote:

On 2008-12-07 05:39:04, se_dude wrote:
What I have been trying to say for the last 10 pages of posting is that the N97 is scheduled to arrive May 09, and comparisons to the X1 or for regard, any of the phones in the market is totally incomprehendable.It is a good phone, but people here are trying to blow it beyond words.

As of now, the Innov8 is the most powerful symbian phone till date.No Nokia comes close to challenge its usperiority.We will havea valid discussion when the phone emerges in the summer.

On 2008-12-06 14:54:50, QVGA wrote:

yes exactly, so why bother arguing with him? he's just an attention whore, so leave him be.

I guess this language comes naturally to you,and I dont blame you

[ This Message was edited by: se_dude on 2008-12-07 04:40 ]

Ermmm - Aside from the wonderful-better-than-C905 8mp cam, you do realize it uses S60 which is ALMOST the same as what all Nokia smartphone have. So you praising the INNOV8 is like praising S60 and indirectly Nokia which now owns 99% of Symbian. I love this guy and his rational. He's gonna have a fit when his beloved SE uses Symbian in the not so distant future. Hardware/Body made by SE - Software/Soul made by Nokia.

And the INNOV8 doesn't have a touchscreen which is a definate plus and favors the N97 IMFO.

I remember how SE fanboys used to bash Nokia for lack of a touchscreen. Since, that's been taken care of, all they have left to rag on is the 'build quality' even if SE's isn't any better either.

Really man, you rock. The so called 8 mp cam is the biggest trump of the Innov8 and yopu are telling me to discount that??..

Btw, i know you are a bit shortsighted, but you should have noticed that i mentoned, "as of now" for phones that are in the market.Lets keep this bashing and smashing till this phone is available, which is almost 4 motnhs away.You Nokia fanboys can churn the cud as much as you want, but its just Nokia being late in introducing the already available technology in the market.Period.
Posted: 2008-12-07 19:10:19
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-07 18:51:53, djin wrote:
Nokia releases loads of updates because their phones need it! When n96 came out, they released 3 updates within the first month itself! Why? Because it was so buggy(if u wanna have proof, go to nokia forum and check out how may ppl whined about this phone) and it still is....
Innov8's condition was better than this.
However, i hope N97 wont have this same problem.

Well atleast they make the effort to update buggy phones until they are stable eg. N95, and N78.
BUT N73, N81, E51, E65, N95-8GB, N82, etc. . .werent that buggy but are STILL getting updates, new features, etc. . . .
Atleast if i get a buggy NOKIA S60 im confident that NOKIA will continue to update until they have fixed it and in the process they will add little things here and there to improve the user experience.
Last i checked the Innov8 did have some bugs, but are the users who bought it at such an expensive price guaranteed it will all be fixed? I doubt it. Did the G810 even get updates?

Posted: 2008-12-07 19:13:27
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C905 Posts: > 500

So, what do think of the design? To be honest, I quite like the design and it is, designwise, somewhat more simple than 5800, for instance, which is positive, that is!
Posted: 2008-12-07 19:47:02
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borisisinvin Posts: 175

On 2008-12-06 03:46:25, SloopJohnB wrote:
Is there anything new in this new OS besides widgets? I now itīs a touch device but itīs resistive touch and sorry but thatīs outdated. Itīs slower, less accurate and less responsive. Whatīs new in the software??

Wait, are we still talking about the X1?.... lol

@ C905 I can kind of see some similarities between the N97 and the X1 like others have mentioned, however in the pics on this thread where someone posted them side by side, the build quality and looks of the X1 look ages ahead of the N97. I was stunned when I first took my X1 out of it's box and held it in hand whilr I held it next to my N95 in my other hand. Like Apple, SE truly knows how to make premium feeling and looking devices. Compared to my X1 the N95 now feels like a Fisher Price toy, as will the N97 I suspect. I only wish my X1 performed like it looked, no doubt that the N97 will beat it hands down in this area with it's superior usability and functions (mostly thanks to a touch enabled S60 interface). The N97's design and materials look a little too generic and pedestrian to me. The whole design aesthetic is so meme, in regards to what other phone manufacturers are now doing with their own touch screen enabled phones (thanks for that one Apple), which is part of the reason why I was so drawn to the X1 design to begin with. No one here can deny SE's design elegance and pedigree in regards to the design decisions and execution of the X1! With the exception of Apple, I'm of the honest opinion that SE makes the best damn looking phones out there PERIOD, too bad design isn't all that it takes to make a phone great...

[ This Message was edited by: borisisinvin on 2008-12-07 20:53 ]

[ This Message was edited by: borisisinvin on 2008-12-07 22:15 ]
Posted: 2008-12-07 21:50:36
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