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Look at this funny video what they super imposed over the rioters in the pics
Posted: 2011-08-14 23:40:46
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This is a nice idea.
Posted: 2011-08-15 12:09:47
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Yeah it is a nice idea. I popped into Richer Sounds last week to see the guys there. That store was completely cleaned out and its where we bought all the tv sets in the house. And where my dad bought some hifi too. I know the guys in there they are so friendly and helpful i feel sad for them. But anyway David Cameron was talking today saying he is going to change the laws about Human Rights in the UK. All this Human Rights is abused and criminals take advantage of it. Yes we all have rights but criminals push it to the point of taking the piss.
Posted: 2011-08-15 13:00:00
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cameron has announced a non-military national service or ALL 16-year-olds which isn't good to enough to be honest but its a start.
[ This Message was edited by: julias on 2011-08-15 12:20 ]
Posted: 2011-08-15 13:19:50
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On 2011-08-14 12:22:52, julias wrote:
Finally someone has the b***s to speak the
In the Daily Mail (The Paper, not online version) they only mentioned negative twitter comments about Starkey.
Lets face facts this country is so overly PC that the facts are never gonna to be admitted, age old thing if you admit there is a problem then you have to fix it, and no government (loose term) is ever going to admit it.
It was obvious from the first days of the rioting the Police had their hands tied do to the crazy lefty do gooders preventing the Police from interacting and beating the living crap out of the filthy scum that looted everything of any worth I would have liked to have seen some of the hand wringing brigade on the end of the violence that took place in the riots.
The Police just had to sit back and watch for fear of being prosecuted for being heavy handed, firk em I say, you wanna go out and loot and commit arson then take a firkin beating.
To many years I have been running this shite about night after night, I have been used as a get away for a mugging, had two boys trying to get a gun so they could rob 2 men they believed were doing a drugs deal, and had to listen to until young men discussing how they were going to BREED their women, plus watch mugging taking place mass robbery on the local Tesco's, let alone all the stabbing 2 deaths and never seeing it in the papers or TV.
Country is finished, it's not broken, it's far beyond that.
Rant over.
[ This Message was edited by: fluke9 on 2011-08-15 19:08 ]
Posted: 2011-08-15 20:07:19
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Well,I would not go as far as finished

But I do agree that is why the kids are not scared cos they know that the police hands are tied. I have a feeling things MAY change over time as the MAJORITY of decent people will win over these bastards. I was reading today about Glasgow,it is the murder capital of Western Europe

knife & gang crime there too is rife. Everywhere has it's issues ghettos & problems it's just WE need to deal with it properly & get tough. My friend in Hungary once showed me a video of police there dealing with a riot & they bashed the rioters over the heads till they were bleeding

Also,where I was born(but lived here since I was tiny) they, like everyone else have their problems too. Dublin & Limerick are two of the worst places in Ireland.
Aswell as London,Dublin or Ireland as a whole has one of the highest crime rates in Europe & drugs especially heroin is rife. Even where I was born in Ballybrack that was a nice place but still shootings happen now

There is 5 parts to watch of that programme. Yet,the surrounding scenery is absolutely beautiful like the Wicklow mountains it's all spoilt by this.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ePuRoZ9pWI&feature=related[ This Message was edited by: Bonovox on 2011-08-15 20:11 ]
Posted: 2011-08-15 20:35:27
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And Paris is named as the riot capital of Europe. They have even worse racial tensions
Posted: 2011-08-15 21:53:21
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I must add my experience as a mini cab driver over the last 7 years is where this comes from.
I won't pull any punches over this the streets are full of scumbags just looking for their next robbery, mugging whatever they can get.
Ban hoodies, 5 years meaning 5 years minimum for robbery, mugging knife crimes.
Posted: 2011-08-15 22:10:43
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Yeah,these days 5 years means 2 years or less

Life never seems to mean life.
Posted: 2011-08-15 22:23:04
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fluke9 I agree we need a complete ZERO tolerance approach to clean the scum of our streets there is no room for tolerance and human rights, if your found guilty then you should be punished with the full force of the law. This is kind of animal behaviour has gone on for far too long and someone needs to put a stop to it. Just this morning a man got murdered in my local town in Essex by gang violence. I also think Capital punishment needs to be brought back so if you take a life then your life should be taken too!
[ This Message was edited by: julias on 2011-08-15 23:04 ]
Posted: 2011-08-16 00:03:58
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