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captainsm Posts: > 500

Indeed we do !

I'd say that we are the best among the best !
Posted: 2002-08-19 23:20:00
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Mimzo Posts: > 500

Most definitely

Posted: 2002-08-19 23:39:00
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zapper Posts: 19

????? It's a tip?????? I think its a bug or weakness of t68i maybe:)
Posted: 2002-08-20 05:54:00
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Mimzo Posts: > 500

It's definitely a bug/weakness.
Not something nice if it happens to you at all.
Posted: 2002-08-20 11:08:00
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Stajlerboy Posts: 455

I don't know if anyone know this but if you press and hold the option button on your t68 you come to your wap startpage.. This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-08-20 17:49:00
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captainsm Posts: > 500

I'm sorry stajlerboy, but that's old news. Thank's anyway though.
Posted: 2002-08-20 17:54:00
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arus Posts: 265

Is there any tips to checkout the "date and time-stamp" of sent-out sms ?
Posted: 2002-08-21 03:33:00
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tinyd Posts: 1

Meron bang mga pinoy dyan? Ano bang pinagsasabi ng mga bwaka ng inang ito?!!!

Just looking for a way to get my Communicam working with my T68. Can't get it to send to my folder on Mobile Internet (the Sony Ericsson facility)
Posted: 2002-08-21 06:00:00
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Pink Lady Posts: 44

@tinyd: Naku medyo wholesome ang esato forums. They wont allow that kind of talk here. Ü Join the Pinoy Chit Chat if u havent joined in yet- andon lahat ng pinoy dito. Peace Ü This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-08-21 07:30:00
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punkserb Posts: 386

i also lived in South Africa from 90-92. i went there when i was 7 to escape the war in my native Yugoslavia and then left for the US a year and a half later. i loved it there too. lived in Germinston near Johannesburg. never learned a bit of Afrikaans though. i heard the life there sucks now. after college, i'm thinking of going back to Europe (not Yugoslavia, maybe Italy) or moving to Australia (although i heard there's many job shortages) or back to South Africa, or if i must stay in the US, then to be in California because it is the best part of this country that i have seen. i'm Chicago now and its my favorite American city because it is so international. everyone is here. Serbians, Russians, Polish, Koreans, Filipinos, you name it.
Posted: 2002-08-21 09:02:00
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