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super_cyberboy Posts: 39

On 2003-02-07 13:55, levette6661 wrote:
I'm still looking for the AT&T facia. Any ideas? Serious question.

Try e-bay, you might find one there, I know a saw a few before. And if you dont know what e-bay is, them there's no hope for you
Posted: 2003-02-07 21:56:00
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levette6661 Posts: 2

Hi (and thanks) super_cyberboy. Yeah, eBay is where I spotted the original AT&T cover and because of the time-zone difference I missed the end of the auction (couldn't drag my arse out of bed). The seller told me about Esato which was new to me. But eBay - no, I'm OK with that stuff!! Ancient old farts like me tend to keep away from discussion groups, bulletin boards and chat-rooms 'cos we don't know what they are all about and don't want to look dumb. I have always thought that there is no such thing as a stupid question (sometimes just stupid answers). But thanks again - and I will keep trying eBay. Someone out there must want a few bucks for an AT&T cover?
Posted: 2003-02-08 07:03:00
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supersonicfruitfly Posts: 17

okay, im interested now. however i hail from singapore and would like to know the currency your 30bucks is in so i can do a currency convert and guage if im rich nuff.also, i know this is an oold question, but in ur opinions what is the best lookin colour for the fone? i have a t69M upgraded to i and its in lunar grey. alas the 'cool' silver keypad has worn down (actually, the yes and no buttons only) and i would like to get a replacement to it as well. any info would be greatly appreciated, thks in advance.
Posted: 2003-02-09 18:44:00
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rawg Posts: 11

Without a doubt the best color for T68 is adriatic blue!
Posted: 2003-02-09 20:28:00
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levette6661 Posts: 2

Hey SuperSonicFruitFly. Lookit what Rawg is saying my man. There is only one colour for our T68i's - whydya think I am trying so hard to get one? Adriatic Blue is it. And Guess What!! Super_CyberBoy was right on the money and there is a whole stack of them hiding out in eBay Land. Big prob for u guys in SG tho'... no international bidders, that is outside the USA. But if you are globally connected, it don't matter none anyways. I am nowhere near the USA but I have my name on two of them already. Yup, old dinosaurs can still get around.
Posted: 2003-02-11 12:23:00
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Shima Posts: 36

Ok, guys,

I got 6 sparkling new Mineral Greys and 6 shining blue Adriatic Blues for sale. Everyone who is interested let me know ASAP.
Or use any of the instant messangers below

I'm going to get more Arctic Blues this coming Friday.

Sony Ericsson T68i faceplates (Original OEM) for sale @ ONLY $30/piece.

[ This Message was edited by: Shima on 2003-02-11 20:50 ]
Posted: 2003-02-11 21:48:00
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waddie Posts: 119

Shima, please read your email. i bought an arctic blue T68i faceplate from Herve but the one he sent me doesn't have the IR cover. please reply....
Posted: 2003-02-11 22:14:00
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buster99 Posts: 16

Shima, you have mail!!
Posted: 2003-02-12 07:17:00
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Shima Posts: 36

Waddie, Buster, thanks!

Adam Longworth, please check whats with your email. I cannot reply to you. Mail keeps on coming back.
Posted: 2003-02-12 09:48:00
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waddie Posts: 119

bump for a great seller! way to go Shima!
Posted: 2003-02-15 00:20:00
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