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buster99 Posts: 16

Hey Shima, did you say you have mineral grey? How about keypads or battery covers?
Posted: 2003-02-20 09:13:00
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Ja99iE Posts: 406

Shima you said I could have the last Adriatic Blue, but then I email you and get no replies!

Do you still have it? I am still interested.
Posted: 2003-02-20 15:02:00
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Shima Posts: 36

On 2003-02-20 15:02, Ja99iE wrote:
Shima you said I could have the last Adriatic Blue, but then I email you and get no replies!

Do you still have it? I am still interested.


I mean you no disrespect sir, but I haven't received a single email from you. Could you resend it to

Posted: 2003-02-20 19:20:00
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xtrem Posts: 257

@shima: is it possible to buy a faceplate that is mixed. I want a 'ice blue' but without the blue, and instead the silver from 'mineral grey'.

Is it possible to arrange that?

I guess that you work at a SE serivce point or similar so you are probably more capable of switching the parts in the faceplates than me.

Posted: 2003-02-22 21:58:00
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theEND Posts: 54

xtrem.. very good idea..

thats exactly what i want too.. the dark blue matt part from adriatic blue and the shiny dark gray upper part from the mineral gray..

or even the matt part from the arctic blue and the shiny dark gray upper part from the minereal gray
Posted: 2003-02-22 23:04:00
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Shima Posts: 36

Sorry guys, can't do that. I only have them coming in as they are..
I have 1 Adriatic, 1 Mineral Grey, and plenty of Arctics left.
Posted: 2003-02-24 10:15:00
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waddie Posts: 119

Hi Shima,

I still did not get the package you sent me. Hope it'll be here tomorrow.

Posted: 2003-02-25 03:03:00
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Shima Posts: 36


Its ok, it should be there this week.
Posted: 2003-02-25 08:54:00
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waddie Posts: 119

bump for a great seller! i bought T68i faceplates from Shima (Alex) and he's a great guy to deal with....very smooth transaction, he's highly recommended! A+++++++

thanks Shima
Posted: 2003-02-27 06:07:00
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Shima Posts: 36

Thank you waddie!
It was pleasure doing business with you
Posted: 2003-02-27 09:32:00
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