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mathios Posts: > 500

It would be good if Java based handsets like the C905 etc could do the same as in read text messages from the MBW watches. Maybe the right person didn't see your email.

or maby they don't give a damn about it.....
Posted: 2009-08-29 18:56:23
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

On 2009-08-29 18:56:23, mathios wrote:

It would be good if Java based handsets like the C905 etc could do the same as in read text messages from the MBW watches. Maybe the right person didn't see your email.
or maby they don't give a damn about it.....

I think they should give a damn because the way things are going competitors already have the upper hand technology wise. Off topic but I was suprised to see what Nokia are pulling out, take a look at the Nokia Booklet on YouTube. A 12 hour battery life netbook with lots of features such as Bluetooth and AGPS. Sony Ericsson need to pull there finger out and develop better I think.

I see theres a few watches coming out by other manufacturers like LG where you can even take calls on the watch.
[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2009-08-29 18:58 ]

Posted: 2009-08-29 19:57:13
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abubakar Posts: 109

I guess the OS required for the software to work is more than what a symbian phone can handle. But since Im not a java developer, I wouldnt know.
Posted: 2009-08-29 21:09:07
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mathios Posts: > 500

I think you are all off topic, we are all supposed to comment on the mbw-150. nokia may be launching a mini notebook but that has nothing to do with the mbw-150. and my opinion is that sonyericsson will always be one step ahead of all the other manufacturers on terms of accessories , the mbw series watches are a one and only concept from sonyericsson and no one can say otherwise, show me what other manufactures have done on that concept? sonyericsson launched the watch 3 years ago and it has been a hit all over the world. what has nokia or Motorola done? the conversation started because windows mobile has not full support for the watch but 99% of all se phones support the watch so I think that you can't blame se on that point. I will always be a sonyericsson fan no matter what everyone else says....
Posted: 2009-08-31 18:46:57
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mathios Posts: > 500

I see theres a few watches coming out by other manufacturers like LG where you can even take calls on the watch.

maby lg and a few other brands are starting to launch watches like the mbw series but ALL are based on the mbw series concept, and yes a watchphone is going to get launched from lg but it's going to be a phone tied to your wrist not a watch with a separate module like the se mbw series, many chinese ''no name'' companies have those on sale on e-bay...
Posted: 2009-08-31 18:53:07
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Anyone know if it at all possible to get the MBW series of watches working with an iPhone?
Posted: 2009-09-25 02:55:22
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mathios Posts: > 500

On 2009-09-25 02:55:22, Toney_Ericsson wrote:
Anyone know if it at all possible to get the MBW series of watches working with an iPhone?

the answer to your question[....]tion=vthread&forum=10&topic=65
Posted: 2009-10-01 14:30:35
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

On 2009-10-01 14:30:35, mathios wrote:

On 2009-09-25 02:55:22, Toney_Ericsson wrote:
Anyone know if it at all possible to get the MBW series of watches working with an iPhone?

the answer to your question[....]tion=vthread&forum=10&topic=65

A possibility if someone develops a piece of software then. I've heard Bluetooth software is very time consuming so maybe we won't see this happening unless someone with the known takes a real interest.
Posted: 2009-10-05 02:24:55
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pt020 Posts: > 500

[ This Message was edited by: pt020 on 2010-11-15 06:51 ]

Posted: 2009-10-08 14:50:36
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Watches like these are meant to be big or you can go for the ladies version
Posted: 2009-10-11 21:34:53
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