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m100 Posts: 189

What resolution for video?Does record video at lower compression than the K700i
Posted: 2004-12-15 00:17:47
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goldenface Posts: > 500

@milmino Piano black, boxy design and suggested T650 name is a progression from T610\\T630. This is what might make it the replacement, although all three make a nice mini-range of handsets. . . 8) This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-12-15 01:07:19
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kenx3000 Posts: 160

I tried putting the puzzle together and make parts that are missing and thi sis the outcome of myown. This is the best I could do from putting those little pix onto one solid phone. Don't get serious with my picture, its just how i did it.

Posted: 2004-12-15 04:18:18
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TheRealSpawn Posts: > 500

If it looks anything like that (and it propably do judging by the pieces) - Im slightly dissapointed in design.

Looks rather doll to me. K700 looks much nicer and so does T610.
And keypad look very small - it will be a pain to write sms on such small keys.

Posted: 2004-12-15 08:46:05
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


I'll reserve judgement until I can actually try it for myself. The mobile in the picture may not be the final version in terms of design, it does look a little rough around the edges.
Posted: 2004-12-15 10:38:42
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Dyce9984 Posts: 168

Is this the one I have heard about where the lights in the keypad (if memory serves me right lol) neon blue or red light up and flash in diff places intime with ringtone??

I don't think it will be black, I think the only reason why its black at moment is so that if pics are leaked on the net, you can't see the actual shape of it, cureves lines etc. Car makers do it, and have done for ages. At the moment this black means nothing at this stage
Posted: 2004-12-15 12:46:08
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Grimslade Posts: 464

I've always thought that the t610's design with a better keypad and screen would be a near-perfect phone. Looks promising, but that occluded 2 button is horrible; I can see it getting in the way constantly.
Posted: 2004-12-15 13:16:28
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goldenface Posts: > 500

@ Grinslade. I agree. It is hard enough to text and dial without halving the size of the button.

I think the design looks cool, from what I can make out, and if this handset boasts a 2mp cam and vid then it is definitely going to be a winner. The all-purpose candy bar is a winning format imho. Small phone, large screen. (Good battery).

I don't like the idea of walking around with a clamshell clamped to my face. And the didi-ness of the 610 is what made it attractive in the first place.

I am looking forward to more pics of this
Posted: 2004-12-15 14:16:19
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Memzee Posts: 399

I'm waiting to see the back of the phone. I think there might be an interesting surprise for us.
Posted: 2004-12-15 16:57:03
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Yazan24 Posts: > 500

ScotsboyUK, I wasnt talking abt this phone, if u took the time to read the previous posts u would have known I was talking abt the other pics that were posted the ones that looked like shit.

This phone on the other hand is a work of art.

Posted: 2004-12-15 17:04:20
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