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thomas93 Posts: 444

I had it lying around.

Its horrible though.

Xubuntu downloading now .
Posted: 2008-05-26 17:16:56
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paul101 Posts: > 500

xubuntu is good

tried using a wired connection??
Posted: 2008-05-26 17:51:07
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thomas93 Posts: 444

Wired works in Hardy.

94% down on Xubuntu
Posted: 2008-05-26 17:59:13
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paul101 Posts: > 500

You will need wired internet access for the following steps. Depending on your BIOS version, you may need to have the wired network connected on boot to be recognized properly.

First remove startup for linux-restricted-modules-common because it causes conflicts with the madwifi drivers.

Code:sudo update-rc.d -f linux-restricted-modules-common remove

Update your apt package list

Code:sudo apt-get update

Install the madwifi driver.

Code:sudo apt-get install build-essential
tar zxvf madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007.tar.gz
cd madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007
make clean
sudo make install
sudo reboot

Once the machine is rebooted you should have full wireless support through the network manager.
Posted: 2008-05-26 19:34:18
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thomas93 Posts: 444

Xubuntu sucked so much I didn't even install it.

Wi-FI was my fault not eee's
Posted: 2008-05-26 20:21:10
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paul101 Posts: > 500

what version of ubuntu you using now??
Posted: 2008-05-26 20:33:18
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thomas93 Posts: 444

Posted: 2008-05-26 21:12:29
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paul101 Posts: > 500

the best msn messenger app

Code:sudo apt-get install emesene
Posted: 2008-05-26 21:19:03
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Dups! Posts: > 500

Hi guys!
I was away on
business for 5 days
and came back
this morning to a
lost internet
connection, well,
sort of. It says I'm
connected and I do
get updates from
my anti virus
provider but when
connecting to ANY
web page it tells
me it can't
connect due to the
usual no internet
connection, blah
blah blah. Any
ideas? Thanks.
Posted: 2008-05-27 12:02:12
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paul101 Posts: > 500

well first, have you got "work offline" ticked??
Posted: 2008-05-27 13:30:39
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