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thomas93 Posts: 444

Winduh's key R.

Unless someone has placed restrictions on it?
Posted: 2008-06-26 08:16:19
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paul101 Posts: > 500

On 2008-06-26 08:16:19, thomas93 wrote:
Winduh's key R.

Unless someone has placed restrictions on it?

the os was only installed yesterday
Posted: 2008-06-26 12:06:45
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badassmam Posts: > 500

I need some help please.

My 6 month old laptop very regularly has the message 'Windows failed to start up' blue screen when I boot. I then go to 'Start normally' and it works fine. There are no problems when Vista is running, also it does not detect any problems. I don't download much, I don't do porn or go to bad websites so I doubt there are any viruses. AVG is always running anyway.

I think it could be a hardware issue but I noticed that after doing Vista updates this started happening, it would be unlikely though. Is there software to repair this or a way to check if the hardware is faulty? I don't want to send it back to Dell because it would take ages and I can't really live without it at the moment.
Posted: 2008-06-26 12:15:18
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Cycovision Posts: > 500

It's probably either the hard drive or the memory that's at fault. If it's the hard drive, it's possible that doing a disk check via windows might help to improve things short term but really I think it does need to be sent back for repair, I'm afraid

How to use check disk in Windows Vista
Posted: 2008-06-26 12:32:29
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thomas93 Posts: 444

When booting keep pressing F8 and boot into Safe Mode.

Paulio - Reinstall it?
Are you the Administrator account?
Posted: 2008-06-26 17:14:56
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paul101 Posts: > 500

hi cyco

is there any way (in both internet explorer and firefox) to restrict access to a site??

my brother keeps comming into my room to play his stupid "runscape" on my computer because i have a good graphics card

Last night i lay in my bed looking up at the stars and thought... where the f**k is my celling??

your computer sucks

[ This Message was edited by: paul101 on 2008-07-01 18:29 ]
Posted: 2008-07-01 19:28:38
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thomas93 Posts: 444

Firewall it?

Posted: 2008-07-01 19:31:46
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Can't seem to get the bloody BT Media Player remote working with my K850i/c902 to my Vaio.

I can connect using PC Suite and I have set the Vaio to discoverable mode in the laptop BT settings but when I try and connect my phone to the Laptop it just wont connect via the remote control function. it seems to connect the other way around though - from my Laptop to my phone.

What am I doing wrong, anyone?
Posted: 2008-07-03 18:41:42
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thomas93 Posts: 444

Restart it? Worked for me last year i have a bluesoleli one and it just won't work, help? It seems to only work with XP although I haven't tried it, ubuntu and vista don't like it.
Posted: 2008-07-03 22:46:17
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sadeghi85 Posts: 341


I recently bought a SATA hard disk, but it's not fast enough, just a little faster than IDE disks. what should I do?

My Mobo is 'ASRock 4COREDUAL-SATA2 R2.0' and the hard disk is 'Maxtor STM3160215AS 160GB SATA/300'

I also have two 80GB IDE hard disks installed.
Posted: 2008-07-04 13:42:13
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