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Shima Posts: 36

Ok guys, I got some more Adriatics, Mineral Greys and Arctic Blues back in stock all of the sudden!
I didn't really expect them to arrive so soon.. But they are here.
Posted: 2003-02-28 19:57:00
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waddie Posts: 119

Shima, please check your email. I need to know your correct shipping address. Thanks
Posted: 2003-02-28 20:03:00
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T68iKING Posts: > 500

Hi, I'm interested in the Adriatic blue, is it possible for you to deliver to a friend in London and i'll then pay them in cash. Or to a member you trust here in Esato who lives in London? Please can you consider my offer, as i need the Adriatic face really bad. I have 2 T68i's which look the same, so dont know which is which most of the times -2 sims
Willing to pay 25 pounds if the deal is possible???
Posted: 2003-02-28 20:06:00
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Shima Posts: 36

Waddie, my pleasure

T68KING check your email or PM.
Posted: 2003-02-28 22:11:00
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Dan1984 Posts: 161

Hey Shima, I might be interested in doing the deal the same way that T68iKing mentioned if its possible?
Posted: 2003-03-03 21:08:00
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Shima Posts: 36


Nah, its not.
But if you have friends that have Paypal, then its ok.
Posted: 2003-03-04 08:01:00
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Shima Posts: 36

I have two Mineral Grey faceplates left.
Hurry and grab yours!
Posted: 2003-03-11 22:26:00
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theEND Posts: 54

does anyone have a picture of all 3 covers side by side? (arctic, mineral and adriatic)

i still cant decide.. mineral or adriatic..
Posted: 2003-03-12 05:28:00
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crazyweb Posts: 22

Shima, Thanks for my order!
Posted: 2003-03-23 01:03:00
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Shima Posts: 36

On 2003-03-23 01:03, crazyweb wrote:
Shima, Thanks for my order!

You're welcome!

I got new stock. So anyone who is interested in the faceplates, drop me a line to
Posted: 2003-03-28 16:43:00
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