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> Apple iPhone 5S Announced
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honestly i dont loooove the design on 6.....hhmmm
looks like a crappy HTC or something (without the unibody Aluminium which is of course great & cool)
i for sure stay with the beautiful 5s
apple watch im going for by the way...very nice
[ This Message was edited by: plankgatan on 2014-09-13 13:01 ]
Posted: 2014-09-13 13:57:46
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Exactly my thoughts, why make it bigger? I mean, what about the people who are perfectly fine with the fine with the 5S size, is awesome how can be used with one hand.
A 5S + NFC (for the apple pay) and I'm sorted to replace my aging iPod Touch 5th.
Posted: 2014-09-15 09:44:47
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emerson_shei Posts: > 500
Relonch Camera Is An iPhone Case With APS-C Sensor
P.S: Amazing... Amazing
Posted: 2014-09-17 07:25:51
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[ This Message was edited by: plankgatan on 2014-09-20 10:29 ]
Posted: 2014-09-19 17:21:35
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My first "contract" on a bigger boat with my company. Me and my father is going to fix the hydraulic for the "bog side" steering. Very cool boat.....its a 70 year old English Tugboat we convert to Swedish norms.
(..on the video you hear the Finnish capten in the background dealing a boat contract with some Polish guy
the bridge tugboat
just a boat who drew by
[ This Message was edited by: plankgatan on 2014-09-20 10:35 ]
Posted: 2014-09-20 11:30:08
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those are nice pics plankgatan!
Posted: 2014-09-20 15:51:14
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As I don't have an extra nano SIM in the house, is there a way to check if 5s is network locked?
Posted: 2014-09-21 03:01:06
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Normally iPhones are locked to the first SIM you insert
Posted: 2014-09-21 03:17:00
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On 2014-09-20 15:51:14, Ranjith wrote:
those are nice pics plankgatan!
thanks...WOW..you sign into Esato already 2004 !!!!!! thats looong time...very nice
i thought i was early with 2007 (Sonyericsson K750 & w810 years
[ This Message was edited by: plankgatan on 2014-09-21 09:13 ]
Posted: 2014-09-21 10:12:19
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[ This Message was edited by: plankgatan on 2014-09-21 15:52 ]
Posted: 2014-09-21 16:51:05
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