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i no there not the done thing but anybody no of a really good keylogger that can take screen snap shots to ??
Posted: 2008-08-15 21:30:56
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Mine is only a small and trivial issue but seeing as theres plenty of PC whiz's on here i thought i might as well pick your brains.
My issue is MSN related.
On my pc at work i have two seperate MSN address'/accounts.
On one of the accounts i have loads of custom smileys that i would like to transfer to my other account.
I know this is possible as i have done it previously on another machine but i am having difficulties locating the relevant folders on this machine, even after selecting to show all hidden folders or by searching for them.
Now they are normally saved in
c:\\documents and settings \\your user name \\application data\\microsoft\\msn messenger
But when i goto that location there a 5 folders, named with numbers but they arent the right folders.
Now i have some custom smileys on this account already so it has to be saving them somewhere but i cannot work out where, even if i search for the word "custom" on 'Search all files and folders' it still doesnt find them.
Has anyone got any suggestions?
Posted: 2008-08-21 15:42:33
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
Hey everyone,
I don't have easy access to a Windows PC because I am a Mac user, and I'm not too keen on using Boot Camp to get Windows on my Mac, because a) my hard drive is only 60GB, and b) it seems like a pain in the ass.
So I was thinking of getting one of them fancy little EEE PCs to do the basics of Windows PCing for me. However one of the functions I want it for is SEUSing my phone and I'm wondering whether this is possible. Eg. Will programs like SEUS run on it? Does it have proper USB ports?
Anybody know?

Thanks guys.
[ This Message was edited by: Muhammad-Oli on 2008-08-28 11:01 ]
Posted: 2008-08-28 11:52:43
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1) should work.
2) the usbs are standard ones.
Posted: 2008-08-28 12:03:01
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
Cool thanks mate. Not sure if its the route I'll take, but its good to at least know its an option.
Posted: 2008-08-28 12:06:55
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I have a problem, when I have fired up Media Center or WMP recently it isn't populated with my usual list of albums and media etc. Its just completely empty. No track listings, no albums, no playlists, no photos etc. I've tried to drag and drop media back into the player but it won't accept the stuff.
Sonic Stage seems to be able to manage it but nothing else.
Posted: 2008-08-28 12:24:18
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^ did you try the add media to library option??
Posted: 2008-08-28 12:28:00
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Yeah. I clicked on that but nothing happened and it tells me it is searching for media in the background too. I'm stumped as I haven't changed any settings recently either, not that I know of.
Posted: 2008-08-28 12:40:52
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ok try this thread...there's a solution from a user called Carrotglace...try it step by step...it should work imo..
Posted: 2008-08-28 12:56:51
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Thanks deepsme.
Posted: 2008-08-28 13:21:25
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