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Hi !
@fatreg! Yes, maybe very soon !
Yes, it's up to me ! Like touch screens... and tend to only use WiFi sitting at home with my TyTnII because my home town has very few WiFi places because of the monopoly of Kingston Communications.
Uni has WiFi, of course, but then a few feet away from hotspots are many pc's
I got quite a few questions in my mind, and will post them later..!
Best places to buy a BB Bold or Storm ?
Posted: 2008-10-09 00:21:55
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I'm a lil gutted that there's no Wi-Fi on the storm... I was looking forward to it!
Oh well i suppose they have to keep some differences between the Storm and Bold...
I still think i'm gonna get a Storm over a Bold tho. Hopefully within the next month! Now orange have sorted my billing out
Posted: 2008-10-09 14:40:26
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What does the Storm have over a Bold, to offset the lack of wifi?.
Posted: 2008-10-09 14:43:01
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An AF 3mp camera?
Ummm... and according to the stats on the official voda site WMV play back
It seems to have a very slight Multimedia Edge!
Official Spec states WMV as a supported video playback format

Fantasy Worlds and Disney Girls.
[ This Message was edited by: Burgaz on 2008-10-09 13:52 ]
Posted: 2008-10-09 14:48:25
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Seems to be the way of all manufacturers these days, they leave one bit of spec out to differentiate between models, think i'll have to wait for a BB with an AF cam AND WiFi before i can join the club
Posted: 2008-10-09 15:04:36
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I was planning on doing exactly the same... But the Storm looks sooo nice!
I'll be keeping my N78 but it may take a back seat for a little while when my storm arrives!
Posted: 2008-10-09 15:24:16
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BB are essentially useless.
Posted: 2008-10-09 22:57:41
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On 2008-10-09 22:57:41, adrusa wrote:
BB are essentially useless.
With out backing up your claim with some facts then so is your post.
Posted: 2008-10-09 23:15:00
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Hey guyz I need help .. I'm using a blackberry 9000 .. I want to ask tat whn I use the internet browser .. How should I select tat whether I want to use my wifi conection for the internet or my blackberry connection???
This message was posted from a BlackBerry 9000
Posted: 2008-10-09 23:23:53
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hi people !
Can Bold and Storm use the Exchange servers for emails ?
I am off to search more, maybe I can find a manual for the Bold or Storm online !
Blackberry Storm Email & Organiser Integration Specifications
edit - Email Integration
Supports multiple email accounts on a single smartphone, including:
ISP email (such as POP3, IMAP4 – SSL supported), Microsoft Outlook Web Access, Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino, Novell GroupWise.

[ This Message was edited by: ofiaich on 2008-10-10 00:06 ]
Posted: 2008-10-10 01:02:19
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