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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2008-10-10 02:07:30, jcwhite_uk wrote:
BES server you normally get from your service provider if you sign upto several BES accounts. BES accounts are approx £30 a month on top of your phone tariff

You get the BES Service Data Plan from your provider - NOT the BES Server. Just to clarify and not cause confusion with the wording here - but I know what you intended to say.

Can anyone overseas (UK/Europe) confirm that the BB Storm sold by Vodafone has the Triband HSPA that the Bold has?! There is a lot of documentation confusion being spread even in the most reliable 3rd party places with regards to this. RIM site states only the 9530 not the 9500.

Posted: 2008-10-10 14:04:03
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Dogmann Posts: > 500


BES otherwise known as Blackberry Enterprise Server is for Company's to run much like Microsoft Exchange Server whilst mere mortals like us use BIS which is Blackberry Internet Service. This usually costs £10pm per month from all the Networks but when i got my BOLD i took advantage of an Orange offer which means it is only costing me £2.50pm for the length of my contract.

One of the things that had always put me off BB's was this £10pm charge when i could get Seven on my S60 devices for free. Although that was a free Beta it would still of only cost 50% when it ends. But for £2.50 it can live with the expense as it does work so well.


Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.167, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-10-10 13:46 ]
Posted: 2008-10-10 14:45:42
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masseur Posts: > 500

Orange pulling Bolds to fix software issues (Engadget)
Posted: 2008-10-10 15:13:28
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zootzoot Posts: > 500

On 2008-10-10 15:13:28, masseur wrote:
Orange pulling Bolds to fix software issues (Engadget)

Not suprised considering all the flipping firmware updates that have been released.

Posted: 2008-10-10 15:50:41
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themarques Posts: > 500

Strange request, but can anyone that uses usenet upload and then supply me with the nzb? its just that were I am its super slow to download it from the usual free sites and by the time I do manage to, it cuts off and I cant resume.

if you could email the nzb to

somnabulist at gmail com

Posted: 2008-10-11 17:15:48
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

Right, I've been weaned off my Blackberry I think!

I got fed off to high hell with it, really titted me off, so I put my sim in my newly aquired K750i, used it for 2, almost 3 weeks, and finally put it back in the 8310 today. I have to say.....I miss the K750i already :/

Dunno why, I think maybe I'm having one of those phone revalation things, but maybe it's time to go 'back to basics', cause the K750i does everything I want apart from the occasional email and proper voice dialing, oh and the v.occasional GPS, but only cause my incar GPS sucks.

Thing is, 99% of the time, my phone was going off with junkmail, and as much as I add it all to filters, there's always new stuff coming through. I've decided I don't use e-mail enough to actually benefit from it.

I used to use it to read my business emails when I was out, but seeing as most business emails I get can wait at least 24 hours (there's never any hurry, the stuff we do takes days and weeks to plan, not hours) and I'm always near a PC if I need to reply to them (except once, when we were out filming on location, it was a god send then, but ONCE in 7 months is bugger all really).

Can anyone convince me to stay, or will I be listing it on here by next week? Cause I could do with the money

Posted: 2008-10-11 22:39:21
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Dogmann Posts: > 500

Hi all,

Well despite all the stories of Orange pulling the Bold i spoke to them yesterday to find out what was happening and if they had pulled it would would those of us that had the early ones get them exchanged.

I was speaking with some one that actually knew what they were doing and not just some muppet they also went off and checked the facts for me with a supervisor. Orange know their is a problem with the earlier software and are advising their users how and where to upgrade to newer software. They have NOT pulled the Bold they are sold out as always you can't just believe all you read all the time.

There are so many Bolds out there and most of them once running the later firmwares have very few if any problems. If this story really was true there would be literally thousands of unhappy Bold users and whilst there may be some it isn't everyone.


I don't really think anyone can convince you what is best for you only you can know what you want and need from your device. There really isn't one device that is best for all us and seriously doubt there ever will be. But seeing as E-Mail really isn't that important to you and that is a BB's strongest point i wonder why you choose one in the first place.

Personally i wouldn't of got the model you have myself as it lacks 3G/HSDPA and not sure but possibly WiFi also.

I choose the Bold as it has all of the above plus excellent Multimedia currently the best found in a BB and better than most other devices.

It's my first BB and i love it the OS is fast and stable the Music player and sound is the best i have had on any device and replaced my now sold iPod. The screen is stunning for everything from looking at my Pictures to watching Videos or Web surfing. I love the simplicity of use and how great the PIM is along with the choice of 12 different Font styles and 8 sizes. But just because it is currently best for me doesn't mean it has to be for anyone or everyone else.


Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.167, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-10-12 09:20 ]
Posted: 2008-10-12 01:25:00
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

I chose it because a) I could get one for free, and secondly because I thought the e-mail might be handy from a business perspective. To a lesser extent it was handy, but not enough to warrant keeping it I reckon.

I'd use GPS more than WiFi cause I've got a Nokia 770 with me in my bag at all times which I can use with WiFi networks etc, and because of the way the BB's compress data etc, email especially, I don't notice much of a slow down really.

I had a good time with it, but even after fixing it's speed issues yesterday, I still can't beat a good old simple K750i, because its just works, its reliable, acurate and you dont spend ages trying to select the right thing when you scroll past it by accident with the BB.

Posted: 2008-10-12 10:06:58
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Nanu Posts: > 500

On 2008-10-12 10:06:58, Daedalus85 wrote:
you dont spend ages trying to select the right thing when you scroll past it by accident with the BB.

You either have clumsy thumbs or need to turn down the trackball sensitivity!
Posted: 2008-10-12 10:14:16
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MWEB Posts: > 500

Well, i'm heading the other way, with a 8320 arriving Tuesday courtesy of Fatreg.
Posted: 2008-10-12 10:23:36
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