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Superluminova Posts: > 500

You can get a Storm cheaper than that with a lot more value for money as well. ok its over 18 months:

700 minutes + 250 text + Unlimited Landline + Blackberry Email + Mobile Web

Which to me is a much better offer.
Posted: 2008-11-04 00:42:46
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Nanu Posts: > 500

I got my Bold cheaper than that too!

free Bold, 12 month contract 600 mins 500 texts and Blackberry for £40.50

I think the prices for new phones on contract are going ridiculous and feel that may be the last bargain I ever get on a 12 month contract!
Posted: 2008-11-04 08:20:27
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ofiaich Posts: > 500

Hi everyone!

I am on Anytime 150 minutes ! I think this gives me 100 texts too.

So how can I go about getting the Storm without a huge jump in my tariff costs and at the same time, stay on a 12 month contract?


Posted: 2008-11-04 09:33:25
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Nanu Posts: > 500

You'll have to hand your soul over to Voda!
Posted: 2008-11-04 09:36:55
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ofiaich Posts: > 500

Hi Nanu,

never had a soul..... that's the Samsung U900 isn't it

Ah! I got it! So how can I hand my spiritual soul over for 12 months only?

Posted: 2008-11-04 09:44:54
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Nanu Posts: > 500

Depends what you get out of retentions, but currently any 12 month plan will set a new customer back £300 or £500 dependant upon tariff!
Posted: 2008-11-04 09:54:36
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ofiaich Posts: > 500

Hi nanu!

thanks for that. I am down to either HTC Touch HD or BB Storm as my choices for now.

I will see what Friday brings !


Posted: 2008-11-04 10:46:50
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Dogmann Posts: > 500

Hi all,

Well whilst my Bold continues to get even better with each new firmware i am now running V4.6.0.168 there was one thing that was bothering me about my Bold. The Silver bezel gets marked really easily showing black underneath the silver and spoiling the look. I am not the only person facing this problem and thankfully have an all Black Bezel kit that also has a blank bottom piece so removes all traces of Network branding. In fact now you can even get black replacement buttons but personally i am sticking with the silver buttons as i like the black and silver combination better.

So here are some pictures of my Stealth Black Bold and all you need for this job is 20-30mins a T5 screwdriver and an opening tool and some patience. Hope you like how it looks as i am loving it.


Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.168, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-11-05 01:02 ]
Posted: 2008-11-05 02:00:01
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gforce23 Posts: > 500

Looks great Marc! The last picture looks amazing!
I wish I had a Bold to play with. Unfortunately, the dorks at my company have stuck with the last gen 8310/8320 Curves.
Posted: 2008-11-05 06:29:15
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Marc_SE Posts: > 500

The Bold certainly looks very nice with the black bezel!
Posted: 2008-11-05 12:55:13
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