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Nanu Posts: > 500 will be useful to you mate but it is full of yanks!
Posted: 2008-11-16 11:53:08
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ofiaich Posts: > 500

Hi Nanu!

Format the card using your BlackBerry, this may be where the problem lies to do so, go to options>media card>BlackBerry key> format card

don't have that as an option and cannot find the equivalent as yet.

I can find options > memory > which tells me the media support is on..

but at the bottom of that screen it says Media card cannot be read. Verify that the memory card is formatted.

But can't find where to do that on the device as yet.


Posted: 2008-11-16 12:05:39
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MYB87 Posts: 162

congratulation on your storm!

i was wondering could you do like a mini review for us ?
like how fast the device is ? how does clicking the screen feel ? also is there a gap when you push down the device ?

i have the bold now but thinking of getting the storm and returning the bold
Posted: 2008-11-16 12:19:40
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ofiaich Posts: > 500

Hi MYB87,

if I get time I will. This week I have 9 meetings and none will be conducted in English.

At the moment, the Storm is being a pig to setup but that is because my BB knowledge is zero.

Nanu is helping me big time!

Posted: 2008-11-16 12:45:34
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ofiaich Posts: > 500


2. want to synch with Outlook contacts and appointments

First you need to install desktop manager, and then attach the device to your computer set up sync and then sync, let me know where you are getting stuck

This now works and photos are shown in contacts. Unfortunately, appointments and contacts with Japanese names show only as black boxes...


Posted: 2008-11-16 13:13:36
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

To format the card goto Options/ Memory then press the Blackberry button. Format should be there.
To use exchange you need a BES server software and BES activated on your Vodafone account. BES on Vodafone is about £30 a month.
Posted: 2008-11-16 13:20:27
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

Anyone wanna play with a Storm or even the new 8900 Curve can play with one here:[....]0AD92489947D410D897474079C1477
Posted: 2008-11-16 13:26:40
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ofiaich Posts: > 500

On 2008-11-16 13:20:27, jcwhite_uk wrote:
To format the card goto Options/ Memory then press the Blackberry button. Format should be there.
To use exchange you need a BES server software and BES activated on your Vodafone account. BES on Vodafone is about £30 a month.

Hi jcwhite,

yes, found it now, thanks. The BlackBerry button is the button with a rash..I have been rubbing some ointment on that button

Hmm, the person in store implied that I could use the exchange server with the tariff that I changed to.

Any ideas how to install a language from the cd? I can see many there including Japanese and Chinese ....

Hmm, seems these are for the documentation on the CD only..

thanks !


esato since Nov, 12, 2001

[ This Message was edited by: ofiaich on 2008-11-16 13:32 ]
Posted: 2008-11-16 13:31:13
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ofiaich Posts: > 500


if I want to start again, how do I reset the device back to factory settings..?

I have formatted the phones memory, switched off and taken the battery out, but when I switch on again, address and appointments are still there.

Posted: 2008-11-16 15:46:22
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

To wipe it clean: options/ security options/ general, press blackberry button, select wipe handheld.

Posted: 2008-11-16 16:58:00
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