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Superluminova Posts: > 500
Bolds away for repair after only 3 days, so im back to my Curve anyone care to pin me?
Posted: 2008-11-24 01:38:12
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PocketMac is crap Super...
Missing Sync for BlackBerry is the one you need...
although I will PM you
Posted: 2008-11-24 21:09:48
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could i get a PM too please fatreg
Super, PIN requested....what was up with your Bold?
i'm on t-mobile and got an open to all networks version from CPWH, but i thik i need a software upgrade as t-mobile must have done some updates while delaying the release and i doubt mines got this, a bit flaky some days.
Posted: 2008-11-28 01:38:05
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Hi all,
I have just received a long awaited E-Mail from Vaja that they now have two different styled cases available for the Bold.
Now Vaja cases are not cheap but then they really are the best hand made cases available IMHO, they use a really high quality leather and their construction is without equal IMO.
Unfortunately they are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination in fact they are downright expensive and start @$70 with additional costs if you want a clip or some text or graphics on your case or not.
I also need to warn prospective buyers that you may well get stung by HM Customs and Excise for import duty as i did on my iPod case.
But seeing as my Bold is definitely a keeper for me i am considering spoiling it and myself with one for my Bold other bad point is it takes 20 days to be made.
You can view the cases via this link and play with the custom options
Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.190, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year
[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-11-29 01:35 ]
Posted: 2008-11-29 02:33:41
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Hi all,
Just before i hit the pay button i suddenly realised i wouldn't be able to use my charging pod any longer as you can't put your Bold in one whilst in a case. Also the Vaja cases are such a tight fit that taking your device out of it constantly is a real pain and to much like hard work. Well it was with the iPod case i had so for now i am going to stick with my PDAir case and save myself $70 + shipping and possibly being hit by duty which last time was £16 odd.
Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.190, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year
[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-11-29 12:08 ]
Posted: 2008-11-29 13:07:52
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Advice pls... for friend
On the pearl... he can send and recieve PIN, however is not getting any emails... Help??? Advice???

Posted: 2008-11-29 20:37:18
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Hi everyone!
I have a Storm now and have posted
Any cool advice to get the Storm running like an advert for BlackBerry would be much appreciated !
Posted: 2008-11-30 01:43:10
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Mark Abell, a survivor of the Mumbai attacks, has explained how he hid from the terrorists in his room, in the Trident-Oberoi hotel.
I found this clip on bbc.co.uk/news about a guy who survived Mumbai attacks using his blackberry...
(watch it after 3min.40 sec.)
Pass it on.
F/b +40 -0 bb
PS3 ID:zootzoot
[ This Message was edited by: zootzoot on 2008-12-01 17:46 ]
Posted: 2008-12-01 18:44:46
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Unfortunatley, the terrorists were also using BlackBerrys.
F/b +40 -0 bb
PS3 ID:zootzoot
http://a-zott.com/tz.aspx[ This Message was edited by: zootzoot on 2008-12-01 18:07 ]
Posted: 2008-12-01 19:06:34
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nice cases...expensive but they look well worth it.
the last time i had a phone case must have been that holster they did for the T68, it was unnecessary for me but i got one anyway.
this Bold i have probably wouldnt have a case if it didnt come with one, RIM did well to provide a good quality slipcase with these phones.
cant see anything i'd exchange it for, i used to like those clear plastic hard cases for handsets, just in case they drop and get damaged, but the last few handsets i've had havent had any real bad falls, touch wood
overall i just hate covering phones up, those cases that cover the facia really annoy me although i can see how some of them are necessary for touch screen handsets protection but no matter how much i try protecting a phone they still look like they need replacing after say 12 months or so and often that occurs, although i was quite surprised that N95 lasted me 18 months without an upgrade, that must be a record since sim cards were introduced.
Posted: 2008-12-02 16:55:38
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