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Just a contraction of my name. I train at the local athletic club and we had about five Andys so whenever someone said "hey, Andy" all of us looked round, so people then started putting parts of the surname onto the end of the Andy so we would know which one was being hailed! I have a Scottish surname, so "andymac" became my new name. I do get called other things as well, but that's another story.
Posted: 2006-01-20 12:09:31
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Janet Because thats my first name and k500i Because its my phone
Posted: 2006-01-20 13:05:00
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Greenkronic - well i like Greenkronic. simple enough
Posted: 2006-01-20 13:48:00
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Hmmmm..... Why did I choose debu? Well, My name is Devesh Rai, and my parents (for no apparent reason) call me debu (from when I can remember), most who are nearest and dearest to my heart still call me that. (apart from 85000 blokes at esato, who I dont know at all

Posted: 2006-01-20 22:06:15
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two reasons;
a) i can
b) i fat and im called reg.
make sense? no? good/
Posted: 2006-01-20 22:17:51
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Just a nickname from m8s. My last names Cox, jst like Sarah Cox from radio 1.
W900 and PSP
Feedback: (+23) (-0)
[ This Message was edited by: coxy on 2006-01-20 21:21 ]
Posted: 2006-01-20 22:20:49
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mines just my 1st name and the year of my birth. Not very original but meh
Posted: 2006-01-20 22:26:34
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my nickname at uni was mutley because me and a friend were always getting into trouble and causing mischief around the place, and we got nicknamed dick dastardly and mutley(although that should be 2 t's i think),
kinda stuck and i expanded it to mutleyboy when signing up to some forum and its what i have used for years now to join any forum
Posted: 2006-01-20 22:28:54
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korbindallis Posts: > 500
liked 5th Element so much that i had to take up that nick name it just sounded cool
Posted: 2006-01-21 19:03:34
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Si cos thats my nickname and i had a motorola V80 at the time
Posted: 2006-01-21 19:16:03
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