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Hi themarques,
now I an re-installing, but when it failed on the last attempts, the screen showed the timer spinning, then the screen switched off and the red light came on.
I have followed advice given on three threads at three BB Forums, with no success.
This current attempt should finish in 5 minutes or so.
EDIT the update has finished and the PC shows this screen again
so i click cancel and get this screen
so now, unplug usb and wait? I read the reboot could take 15 minutes.
I followed this
thread too!
esato since Nov, 12, 2001
[ This Message was edited by: ofiaich on 2008-12-11 18:56 ]
Posted: 2008-12-11 19:47:48
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I have not only changed my Bezel but also Marc_SE's i also changed his to the Black Buttons as well. As long as you have a T-5 and an opening triangle and some patience i think it's really quite easy.
Well so far it hasn't slowed down my Bold or used tons of Ram either but i have to say they have great customer service as i can't get the Media Icon to work. Even if i chose my own module address they are looking into it and sent me the Christmas theme for free. I have worked out my own solution by just assigning the right hand side shortcut key for Media.
I will get round to taking a load of screenshots and posting them later so you can see for yourself. Although the Airplane live screen won't show the moving sky.
Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.201, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year
[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-11 19:22 ]
Posted: 2008-12-11 20:07:19
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Please, Marc, interested in some screen shots. Might make me change my mind!
Posted: 2008-12-11 23:28:18
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Hi dougproctor,
Sorry i haven't got round to taking all the screenshots yet but for an even better view as it includes the Live moving screen there is a link to their website below. I also like one of the supplied ringtones that i am now using for my BB Messenger alert and E-Mail alert from the Velvet Theme.
Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.201, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year
[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-11 23:22 ]
Posted: 2008-12-12 00:21:37
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update from me !
Thanks to Nanu and themarques for their help! Last night, via msn, learnt so much in conversation with themarques !
I never did solve the continual loop and tried jl-cmder and also javaloader from the dos prompt but could not wipe the Bold.
Called Vodafone today and was told that I was sent an BB 9000 Bold Enterprise by mistake. I didn't know there was a difference, but was told can't update the Enterprise, so that is why it has crashed!
So exchange coming on Monday afternoon !
Posted: 2008-12-12 10:31:42
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Hi ofiaich,
Well at least you now have an answer as to what was wrong and why it kept asking for your password and Pin. You should of nicely asked VodaFone for some compensation as you have not been able to use your Bold and wasted hours of your time trying to get it to work. Now that's got to be worth at least a months free line rental hasn't it?
Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.201, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year
[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-12 10:39 ]
Posted: 2008-12-12 11:38:54
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only a month!? 2 at least!!
Posted: 2008-12-12 17:35:47
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Hi all,
Well i have now edited this post as a Battery pull made all the Screenshots now show up in my Pictures it's amazing the things a Battery pull solves.
Anyway here are the DreamLive Theme Screenshots and also how my Bold usually looks with the stock Icons and my current background picture of choice.
Now this last picture is the Live screen where the stars are flickering so that it looks like the Plane is flying, i haven't used this one myself as i think it's a bit fussy.
Now this how my Bold looks normally with my customised setup.
Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.201, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year
[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-12 20:26 ]
Posted: 2008-12-12 19:35:03
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capture it instead Marc
Posted: 2008-12-12 19:40:15
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Hi Marc,
yes, but I think what they said doesn't quite make sense. Two versions of the Bold?
Nice screen shots ,Marc!!
On a different note, I noticed this desktop stand for £19.99
and read that it is provider in the box for some American carriers. I see it here
here and at Expansys too.
Not sure how the Bold chargers whilst on it though....
Question for people here with a Bold! What accessories have you bought?
Has anyone bought a new battery door or a skin? I notice the black bezel and will read back in the thread about that !
My replacement arrives Monday and I am interested to see what applications are good etc.
Hope this time, I don't brick the unbrickable !
Just thought of another question - Bold does not have a lanyard attachment does it?
esato since Nov, 12, 2001
[ This Message was edited by: ofiaich on 2008-12-13 00:31 ]
Posted: 2008-12-13 01:25:57
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