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Dogmann Posts: > 500


Listen if i can do it I'm sure you can mine was the first time i ever did anything like this and following the Video even i managed to do it. As i said since then i did Marc-SE's for him it really just needs some patience and the right tools IMO after that it's really quite easy. The funny thing is when i had the silver bezel it got knocked and marked a couple of times which is why i wanted to change it as hate damage on my device. Yet since i changed it it hasn't got knocked once weird or just sods law i suppose.
Oh and for a how to guide go to cnn where you will buy the bezel from and they have two videos for taking it apart and putting it back together that's what i used to guide me.


Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.201, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-13 15:07 ]
Posted: 2008-12-13 16:04:18
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Nanu Posts: > 500

Just to let you know I have successfully unlocked my Curve to any network using the MFI Multiloader!

Posted: 2008-12-13 16:16:11
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ofiaich Posts: > 500

Hi Marc,

I will check out cnn and watch their videos too!

I saw over at a BB forum a glossy sky blue back and bezel but can't find the link now !

Marc, is this the bezel here that you bought?

Did you buy all of the tools from there?

Hi Nanu, can you unlock a Bold for me? I guess Vodafone might be me the code...


esato since Nov, 12, 2001

[ This Message was edited by: ofiaich on 2008-12-13 15:28 ]
Posted: 2008-12-13 16:16:51
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Nanu Posts: > 500

Yes I will be able to unlock all 8*** & 9*** series BlackBerry's
Posted: 2008-12-13 16:22:22
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ofiaich Posts: > 500

Hi Nanu,

how will you do that?

I transfer cash to your bank and you send me a code?

or, You send me a code because I am a nice guy for free?

Seriously, if Vodafone will not unlock for free, then I would be happy to pay for the service.

On a different note, phoned Vodafone just now and they will credit my account with some cash as a goodwill gesture for the problems caused.


esato since Nov, 12, 2001

[ This Message was edited by: ofiaich on 2008-12-13 16:02 ]
Posted: 2008-12-13 16:44:26
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Dogmann Posts: > 500

Hi ofiaich,

Yes that's the place but from memory i think the how to Videos are with the Silver bezel and yes i bought a T5 and the triangle opening tool. Have to say even though the T5 was cheap it is surprisingly good quality. I think using MFI tool you will need the Bold plugged in to the computer.


Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.201, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-13 15:53 ]
Posted: 2008-12-13 16:53:34
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Nanu Posts: > 500

Hi Ofiaich,

If you don't feel confident enough to carry out the task yourself I would glady do it for you but it has to attached to the computer it isn't a code based unlock!
Posted: 2008-12-13 16:58:13
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fatreg Posts: > 500

Done Mauds 8100 Nanu?
Posted: 2008-12-13 17:06:50
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ofiaich Posts: > 500


I will give a think about changing the housing! I will get it up and running with the languages that I need, and music playing ! Then customise !


if the steps are easy, then I would have a go! I am unlikely to brick it, aren't I?

Posted: 2008-12-13 17:13:38
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fatreg Posts: > 500

it's damn difficult to brick a BB Ofaich.. like nearly impossible...
Posted: 2008-12-13 17:14:33
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