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Oh no, my Pearl is long sold. Late October last year (2007). Since then I've upgraded to the K790a then in March 08 to the K850i which I REALLY gave it a chance. In August I upgraded to the Nokia E71-2 (NAM - North American Mobile for 3.5G). Love that phone; but alas holidays drained me dry so I had to downgrade to nothing. No phone just a SIM
But in time I may get the E71 again, or the N85 then summer the N97.
Posted: 2008-12-28 20:17:18
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Ok... so i remeber reading a while back that some one changed the bezel on their bold for a black one and i have just found these for the curve on cnn.
So how hard is it to change? has anyone else tried yet?
Posted: 2009-01-02 11:38:19
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Mother fatreg will have a Curve2 on Monday! WOOOOO
Posted: 2009-01-02 19:45:57
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I will no longer be alone in curve2 land!
Congrats Reggie boy!
Hopefully you wont go back to the pearl this time!
Posted: 2009-01-02 19:48:18
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not me Burgaz
my old dear is getting a Curve2, I love my pearl as you full well know!
Posted: 2009-01-02 20:24:07
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Superluminova Posts: > 500
Changing the bezel is really easy.
Changed my bold to all black in about 10 minutes, it was the simplest housing change i have ever done.
Posted: 2009-01-02 22:14:21
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Hey guys... Anyone got any news on a firmware update for the 8900 Curve2... or any new themes?
Posted: 2009-01-07 18:57:15
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Hi Fella's
Just bought a 8320 Curve on Orange but I am with o2, can anyone suggest the best place to get it unlocked?
Posted: 2009-01-07 20:49:45
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On 2009-01-07 18:57:15, Burgaz wrote:
Hey guys... Anyone got any news on a firmware update for the 8900 Curve2... or any new themes?
What OS are you running? he current latest is
On 2009-01-07 20:49:45, j0be wrote:
Hi Fella's
Just bought a 8320 Curve on Orange but I am with o2, can anyone suggest the best place to get it unlocked?
If you use a Windows PC, there is software you can install and use to unlock the handset yourself. (The name escapes me at the moment though!)
Posted: 2009-01-07 21:14:57
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Hi all
Just got a curve 2 (8900)
My software isv4.6.1.101 purchased from o2.
Posted: 2009-01-08 13:24:04
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