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I'm seriously considering buying a new battery cover for my 8900 from cnn.cn as the original one is stupidly loose.
Anyone else got a loose battery cover?
Also has anyone got a charging dock for theirs yet? If so where'd ya get it and how much did you pay?

Fantasy Worlds and Disney Girls.
Blackberry 8900 Curve & iPod Touch.
[ This Message was edited by: Burgaz on 2009-01-20 18:49 ]
Posted: 2009-01-20 19:45:54
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how do i setup my normal emails?
sorry, i got tmag to set it all up the first time and now im lost
Posted: 2009-01-21 12:03:29
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got my Bold Pod from a company on eBay, London based, paid £15.
they're called italkonlineuk on ebay and they have a website too...highly recommended, not sure if they have the Curve ones in yet but you can check with them.
assuming it's a typo and your with t-mobile, the login to setup your email accounts is:
when you call t-mobile over the phone they do this for you but you can login yourself and check all mail accounts you have setup and add to them etc.
Posted: 2009-01-22 00:44:30
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The BB PAYG Service will launch on Orange UK (Jan 29th)
* BIS Bundle will cost £5 per month
* It will include a fair use limit of 50mb
* You will also be able to use unlocked blackberry phones with the plan
* £5 charge automatically renews every month from whence activated, user will be informed via txt msg 3 days before the due date warning the the charge for BIS will be deducted
* If there is insufficient credit an sms would be sent to customer advising of this, also when customer next tops up £5 will be deducted automatically
* If the user fails to top up the required amount, after 28 days they would need to ring 450 to enable the service once again
* Customers can unsubscribe to the service by texting STOPBB to 247
* The fair use policy isn't a hard cap, so it won't eat into your credit if you go over the 50mb
* Any customer will be eligible for it providing they have a Blackberry handset (though it will not be advertised as such)
* The service will initially be launching on 8120, however as stated the service will also support other blackberrys.
Its also possible the Service will be able to paid as a yearly one off for £60
Blackberry Training -
www.teachblackberry.co.uk[ This Message was edited by: tmagberry on 2009-01-22 07:49 ]
Posted: 2009-01-22 08:43:20
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my black javelin aka curve8900
Posted: 2009-01-22 13:59:13
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Argh i really want a Blackberry Bold and i dont want it on contract its soooo expensive on contract unbelievable.
Posted: 2009-01-22 18:08:46
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Get it on Orange Pay and Go
Posted: 2009-01-22 18:22:04
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Fantastic news regarding BB on PAYG.
Thanks Tom.
Posted: 2009-01-22 20:07:25
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Nice black bezel. I'm waiting for mine to arrive from CNN.CN.
Posted: 2009-01-22 20:12:35
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Oooo thank you for the great news
Posted: 2009-01-23 02:36:00
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