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On 2009-01-20 14:46:50, jcwhite_uk wrote:
Have you got a BIS or a BES account. Exchange accounts can only be set up on BES accounts.
Here I was going to say wrong; you can use Desktop Redirector, but below it seems RIM is completely phasing this out OR its because Hotmail has enabled POP3/IMAP now .... and this is something new as well ...
On 2009-01-20 15:03:31, jcwhite_uk wrote:
Try this:
Log into that or create a new account if you haven't already.
Under Email Accounts, click Set Up Account.
Put in any email and any password (make them the same though). Basically, we want it to fail. And click Next. It will do it's "processing" for a minute and then ask for Additional Information.
Select "I will provide the settings to add this email account." and click Next.
Select "This is my work email account." and click Next.
Select "I can access my email account using a Web browser (OutlookŪ Web Access)" and click Next.
As for the settings, that's up to you. Now I will note that it took me some tinkering to get mine to successfully log in. Here's why. I have my own domain controller/exchange server at home. My log in name is "Firstname Lastname" with the space in there. I ended up having to use "Firstname " for the username.
But once you get the right settings, you should be good to go.
Thanks to BlackberryForums.com for this.
WHERE? LINK please?!
Posted: 2009-01-23 08:22:17
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On 2009-01-22 13:59:13, jakontil wrote:
my black javelin aka curve8900
That looks really cool, the only thing that worries me is.
Do you get any dust under the screen after taking off the cover.
Posted: 2009-01-23 15:16:05
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hey, how easy was that to fit?
tempted, liking the look fo that black one
Posted: 2009-01-23 15:39:49
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have a look here.
and here
F/b +40 -0 bb
PS3 ID: zootzoot
http://a-zott.com/tz.aspx[ This Message was edited by: zootzoot on 2009-01-23 15:23 ]
Posted: 2009-01-23 15:54:06
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I'm about to get a BB Bold next week and given the lack oF Bb experience and not so muck software,I guess I'll be visiting you guys quite a lot (been doing so on Esato for the last 6 years,so...).So I guess I need a membership card in this fine BB Club which will teach0me a lot!;)
Posted: 2009-01-25 20:39:00
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@701 You will be fine. Just emjoy it. The more you use the BB the more fun it will be.
Posted: 2009-01-25 21:57:59
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which is the best blackberry smartphone?
i have been using touchscreen for a long time.. from past 4 months am using e71 and tht's my first nokia phone and am not liking it at all. i don't watch to switch to SE back because i don't want to use Windows and xperia is the best one in sony ericsson. basically i want fully power packed smartphone and out of all i see lot of potential in blackberry storm. even though it doesn't have wifi it's touchscreen and has all the features. i can get a dataplan and get over wifi.
Posted: 2009-01-25 23:24:27
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On 2009-01-25 21:57:59, Berry wrote:
@701 You will be fine. Just enjoy it. The more you use the BB the more fun it will be.
Oh,believe me,my P1i is over-used and I plan to use the Bold just the same.I'll ask a lot of dumb questions as this system is totally different,so bear with me, ok?:))
@indiandawg: I'm on the same situation but I've tried the Storm and it sucks big time.It's slow and has LOTS of bugs,so I settled to get the best BB to date:the Bold.Check it out. I am finally confident I can move away from touchscreen after trying out the Bold.
" They say i'm sick; they`re right, it's called 'Terminal Boredom!' "
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[ This Message was edited by: 701 on 2009-01-25 22:33 ]
[ This Message was edited by: 701 on 2009-01-25 22:33 ]
Posted: 2009-01-25 23:29:06
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Bold or Javelin currently are the best imho.
You will find the OS simple and a BB can be made very individual. Just play around. You will find it hard to brick a BB
Posted: 2009-01-25 23:43:05
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On 2009-01-25 23:43:05, Berry wrote:
Bold or Javelin currently are the best imho.
You will find the OS simple and a BB can be made very individual. Just play around. You will find it hard to brick a BB
I only have one major concern:lack of software.I'm afraid I'll need some basic program, like a Call Filter (I know there are some but every reviewer has complaints) and I won't find one. PLUS they're all very expensive!A simple program costs even 50$?!!! That's like 35 Euros!Are they nuts?
" They say i'm sick; they`re right, it's called 'Terminal Boredom!' "
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Juvo's[ This Message was edited by: 701 on 2009-01-25 23:25 ]
Posted: 2009-01-26 00:21:40
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