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You say battery life is worse?
Interesting. Maybe you just played your phone more?
It became a habit that after few days the batt life settles down...
Let us know after some time if it stays worse or not.
For me it's quite important since I just LOVE battery life on Z2.
Posted: 2015-07-31 19:41:29
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I'll give an update then next week
btw, I only have casual games right now, I don't think it's the cause of the heat
But it's buttery smooth.
[ This Message was edited by: Shino03 on 2015-08-01 04:07 ]
Posted: 2015-08-01 05:05:47
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The latest update has been awesome!
Posted: 2015-08-02 07:25:52
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On 2015-08-02 07:25:52, Ranjith wrote:
The latest update has been awesome!
Posted: 2015-08-03 00:18:54
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I checked the screen on-time of my phone and did some math. I think with light apps like browsing the Web, on 5.1.1 it will last for approximately 400 minutes or 6.7 hours with screen on.
Posted: 2015-08-04 10:36:47
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Updated my Z2 to 5.1.1
OTA, it took like 20 minutes alltogether.
Few remarks (I have to test it more of course
1. Deleting sms thread STILL takes ages. Why?? Deleting particular smses is easy and fast...
2. They removed my favourite Clock from lockscreen, the one with thicker hours... Why? WTF.
3. UI is pretty much the same. But in settings all the icons are much prettier. And all the homescreen widgets are slightly bigger, taking more screen space, beeing closer to the edges. Looks good
4. The battery - will be tested further.
5. The camera - I made some shots, I have to look into it later. But it seems Auto is better and on Manual, ISO control is amazing. It's even more precise than before. I also think night shots are sharper. Will report further.
6. It's a bit smoother all around.
That's it for now
Posted: 2015-08-18 11:46:55
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P.S. 2
Z2 will probably beat my record of the period of using one smartphone. Previous one belonged to P990 and X1 (both around 1,5 years).
Z2 seems still like new. The power is here, the software flies. The camera is still top notch and gets better with updates.
And of course - the battery size and battery life.
Waiting for Z5.
Posted: 2015-08-18 12:51:55
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Capital City by
doministry, on Flickr
On 5.1.1. Snapseed + Pixlr.
The new FW is really good so far.
The battery life seems on par with the previous FW.
The screen + data seems taking a little bit more juice, but sometimes I
have an impression it lasts actually bit longer.
Today I hit 48hrs on one charge plus 30% left with 3hrs 46mins screen on time.
So far so good.
It seems there is a bug in Music - when I'm offline and I want to change the Album artwork
and I download it from the device, after selecting SAVE the idiot starts the downloading process (from the Gracenote..)
However, once I connect to the net, it all goes as it should.

[ This Message was edited by: doministry on 2015-08-23 19:32 ]
Posted: 2015-08-23 20:27:09
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Thanks for the feedback dominstry. My Z3 tablet compact is on 5.1.1 as well- good support from Sony I have to say
The night shoot looks great
Posted: 2015-08-23 21:57:31
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Maratonmannen Posts: > 500
23.4.A.1.200 is out via PC Companion.
Posted: 2015-09-19 12:09:44
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