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Berry Posts: > 500

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Posted: 2009-02-09 01:20:41
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shelly58 Posts: 373

On 2009-02-07 21:12:59, Merc_Man wrote:
@ shelll58, does you BB recieve emails on pay as you go fully? No issues etc?

yes it does and no problems at all im now totally addicted!
Posted: 2009-02-09 02:17:40
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Berry Posts: > 500

Looks like its you Mij?

Mine was slow to start but got better.

Posted: 2009-02-09 10:16:41
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Merc_Man Posts: > 500

Yep must be just mine.

Had quite a lot of credit on the phone. And its all gone, spoke to them and they said the person I spoke to forgot to put the correct BB package on, so they are looking into it again.

Should be sorted soon.
Posted: 2009-02-09 20:37:12
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bearcub24 Posts: 227

Mines not even started working yet, the sim was enabled for BB data after a quick call to CS, but still can't set it up. The techies are trying to sort it but not received any confirmation text yet, will give them another call tomorrow, luckily I've not had the £5.00 credited to the add-on yet.
Posted: 2009-02-09 21:04:27
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shelly58 Posts: 373

well i can honestly say ive had no trouble at all phoned cs and the guy on the other end who i might add spoke very good english could'nt help enough and everything was set up and working by the time i came of the phone, touch wood has been so since and ive still got most of my credit apart from the £5 deducted for the data plan

always look on the bright side of dum..
Esato Feedback +18
PS3 ID: menalishka
BB PIN: 255D45A9

[ This Message was edited by: shelly58 on 2009-02-09 20:33 ]

[ This Message was edited by: shelly58 on 2009-02-09 20:34 ]
Posted: 2009-02-09 21:31:33
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bearcub24 Posts: 227

The CS's didn't seem to know what they were doing but they put me through to a woman in the Blackberry team who was very helpful and she said they were experiencing one or two issues like mine. Other than that the phones good although I've had lots of Blackberrys previously, though obviously on contract.
Posted: 2009-02-09 21:38:22
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shelly58 Posts: 373

well i must be one of the lucky ones as my emails sending as well as receiving have been running fine in fact they actually told me it might take up to 48 hrs to activate but was in fact up and running by the time i came off the phone....only problem now is im totally addicted to my BB
Posted: 2009-02-09 21:42:31
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Berry Posts: > 500

Mine is working fine too.

Had a small issue but fixed it pretty quick.

Just need some signal now at home
Posted: 2009-02-09 22:15:35
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bearcub24 Posts: 227

One thing I have noticed is how much nicer the keypad is to use than the original Pearl 8100, really like the dark blue colour too, once I get the email side of things working it will be a cracking handset.
Posted: 2009-02-09 22:35:13
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