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On 2009-02-09 22:35:13, bearcub24 wrote:
One thing I have noticed is how much nicer the keypad is to use than the original Pearl 8100, really like the dark blue colour too, once I get the email side of things working it will be a cracking handset.
Did you set up your BIS account on the net?
You might need to send your Service Books?
Posted: 2009-02-09 22:37:54
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Yes maybe, because at the moment in the email set up theres only BES listed, the Gprs is showing GPRS so I assume data has been enabled.
Posted: 2009-02-09 22:59:25
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On 2009-02-09 22:59:25, bearcub24 wrote:
Yes maybe, because at the moment in the email set up theres only BES listed, the Gprs is showing GPRS so I assume data has been enabled.
Is this from the handheld? Or from the Orange BIS site?
and Capital GPRS means BB Data active
Posted: 2009-02-09 23:11:18
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Tried to register via the
www.blackberry.orange.co.uk site and it says my device is already registered, looks like I'm just going to have to wait for Orange to sort things out, but its frustrating.
Posted: 2009-02-10 07:14:09
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Well rang Orange CS AGAIN! this morning, this time got put through to another department, the guy was really helpful, deregistered the handset, re-registered it and then sent all the service books. All is fine now, got my email accounts working. Everything appears to be ok, MMS and browser working. Is there a seperate department that deals with Orange Blackberry problems, the standard CS didn't seem to know what to do but when I got transfered they did seem to know what they were talking about and much more helpful and efficient.
Ah well, its sorted now.
Posted: 2009-02-10 12:59:06
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It's very difficult to get to the BB section of Orange. I normally ring either 156 or 150 and push any of the buttons and just ask for BB. I must admit they are more savvy than they used to be. It used to be "Blackberry?"
Posted: 2009-02-12 22:13:14
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Just updating my 8900 to .168 if anyone was wondering... I'll be unreachable for the next hour.
Posted: 2009-03-02 20:20:20
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It only took 20mins! An youtube is now working again woohoo!!
Posted: 2009-03-02 20:34:53
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Cause you don't know how to use a BB!
Posted: 2009-03-02 20:40:48
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On 2009-03-02 20:40:48, Nanu wrote:
Cause you don't know how to use a BB!
Ahem!! whats that supposed to mean?
It's a well know fact that in the last update youtube stopped working!!!
Posted: 2009-03-02 20:43:02
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