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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : 3G in world?
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mrao Posts: > 500

Good, we're waiting. And we will know if Photoshop is involved
Posted: 2005-10-27 19:09:00
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trilokeshh Posts: 68

Ok keep waiting
Posted: 2005-10-27 19:16:00
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mrao Posts: > 500

I guess you were bullshi**ing about the 9500 then
Posted: 2005-10-27 19:20:00
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trilokeshh Posts: 68

What is bullsh**ing
Posted: 2005-10-28 03:29:00
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Residentevil Posts: > 500

bsing is when you are fibbing, try to fool peeps.
Posted: 2005-10-28 06:50:40
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Aivar Posts: > 500

Now we have 3G also in Estonia. Today Estonian biggest mobile operator EMT opened its 3G network for customers. But it spreads only in our capital Tallinn as yet.
Posted: 2005-10-28 15:01:56
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brix25 Posts: > 500

@mrao: It's obvious triloksh is taking the micky out of you...there's no way he's got the 9500.
Posted: 2005-10-28 15:39:57
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trilokeshh Posts: 68

Posted: 2005-10-29 08:43:00
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FluffyBunny Posts: 25

Hello again after a long abscence.

I have to say that my native country of Sweden aren't that fast to adopt the UMTS / 3G-technology, and the network-coverage isn't the best here either.

"3" is far from the best operator, in either place in Europe - actually most networks suck more or less, as they haven't built out their coverage enough to fit the geographical are or even the demand from users in busy zones.

I'll hopefully be going to Brazil in some time, and there I am mighty interested in how the coverage is. As a total sidenote to the coverage: I know that the networks in Sao Paulo really sucks, even when being in the city center.
Posted: 2005-10-29 10:17:39
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mrao Posts: > 500

@brix, thats what ive been hinting at all along. ;-) This message was posted from a K750
Posted: 2005-10-29 10:57:27
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