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reveragew Posts: 20

Sorry Murphy but you really didn't answer that question at all.

We wanted to know IF the phone is charging, does that mean that the computer recognizes the phone?

My answer is NO, because it doesn't happen on my computer, so does anyone know a way to go around this?
Posted: 2002-10-16 00:00:00
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jcpsad Posts: > 500

does the usb cable have the same features with the serial cable?
Posted: 2002-10-17 10:52:00
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reveragew Posts: 20

I suppose...
Posted: 2002-10-18 00:55:00
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DragonEye Posts: > 500


I don't know if this will help but I'll share my experience.
I use windows 98 and a serial data cable.
I downloaded the mobile phone monitor and installed it and it connected to outlook and whatever. Then I downloaded's send file and installed that. Restarted my PC. and plugged in data cable. Turned off the mpm thing in the bottom left corner of windows. (right click, close) Then turned off my phone and plugged in the cable. Then turned on chris' program, then my phone.
It works every time.... I also us a cheap knock off cable cause i couldn't find the really thing in Canada. Hope this helps.. if not sorry i tried anyways.


Posted: 2002-10-18 01:21:00
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drow Posts: 224

On 2002-10-15 20:49, wildmurphy wrote:
Dudes, This is an easy one.....

Ur usb cable will charge ur phone, this is because USB isnt just designed to be an i/o port, (like say your serial port) It has a 5v (dont quote that) power output so that you can use devices straight from ur USB port.

Two things:

1) I got my cable working a little time ago. The solution was to install XNTND Connect (downloadable from the SE site). That simply did the trick, though i truly still believe the cable SUCK big time. I got the money back for my cable and for the same price i got an usb-IrDA adapter (infrared 'port' to plug right into the usb port). Works perfectly.

2) The dcu-10 cable DOESN'T CHARGE THE PHONE! Some 3rd party cables do. Even thought the usb port emits a small voltage the cable naturally has to be designed to make use of this. The dcu-10 cable doesn't.

But my advice would be: F*CK THE CABLE. Return it, get a refund and go buy a IrDA port to your pc or an usb-IrDA adapter.
Posted: 2002-10-18 01:30:00
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DragonEye Posts: > 500

Is it possible that you bought a USB charger cable only?? I think I've seen some USB cables that only charge the phone but nothing else??
To see what I mean check ebay... "type in USB cable t68" YOu'll see 2 types.
Posted: 2002-10-18 01:30:00
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velman Posts: 22

Im using a cheep (cheap..?) Usb cable with se usb10-cable drivers and it works fine. I just love mms home studio from se, nice program! What do you think? Velman, swe This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-10-18 01:35:00
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jcpsad Posts: > 500

if i'm using a usb data cable... does it also recharge itself at the same time?
Posted: 2002-10-22 05:33:00
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jcpsad Posts: > 500

I guess im not reading... I already got the answer
Posted: 2002-10-22 05:38:00
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