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the most annoying bug ive encountered so far is when the EMS animations play, you can actually see all the frames of the animation overlapping
that hissing - it largely comes from the quality of audio files being played. I have R4BA041/EU2 and I dont seem to notice this when playing CD-ripped files (ripped to 128kbps via itunes)
Another thing- when playing M4A/AAC files, with my current FW version instead of displaying the ID3 tags (track title/artist & album name) in the Now Playing screen, it only displays a single line with the actual file name (the W800 with R1AA008 handles this just fine)
Does anyone here who has R4CA004 on his W550 confirm if it can display ID3 tags from M4A/AAC files? thanks
Posted: 2006-02-22 07:01:50
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I cant understand from the pics what kind of navigation key the w550 uses. Is it a joystick? I cant make out.
Posted: 2006-02-22 07:07:15
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its called a D-pad...

i think
Posted: 2006-02-22 07:16:34
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But how to navigate? Coz there are no arrows on it.
Posted: 2006-02-22 09:58:35
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On 2006-02-22 09:58:35, indiannawaf wrote:
But how to navigate? Coz there are no arrows on it.
If you look closely at the dpad on the closeup pics, there are four bulges around, for the up, down, left, right directions.
Posted: 2006-02-23 03:55:05
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On 2006-02-22 06:39:00, ayk wrote:
so it is firmware issue.
so what's the solution? will debranding the fone sort it or i do i wait for a new firmware version?
Posted: 2006-03-06 21:41:07
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the hiss is not because the mp3 compression... trust me... I've got mp3s with 256 kbps and still hiss... a little bit lower but still there...
I change the audiophones that came with my W600... with a better ones (Sony CD Walkman) and the hiss went even lower...
I've got the W600 with R7B039... and still waiting for the new FW.... (i'm in MX)
Posted: 2006-03-21 19:19:53
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