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> W850 vs W810 Camera and Walkman contest
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I'll buy w850i for a ten days but i don't know whick one BLACK OR WHITE?black is more beatyful but black one slider got everybody (samsung etc) thanx :-)
This message was posted from a K750i
Posted: 2006-12-04 18:48:49
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I have the W850, I got it recently, I think that the W850i is better, because well, I would use the phone's music player much more than the camera, if I was to take photos, I will bring a camera, which is like 7-10 mega pixels, but if I want to listen to music, I can use my phone, instead of bringing another music player, it's just the song that is different. The sound quality of W850i is fantastic too, also the graphics.
Also, I don't think you guys mentioned the overall outside look of the phone yet, if you compare that, I think the W850i will win, most people prefer sliders with auto keylock when slided down, than the W810i, which is a standard straight phone, if you accidentally forgot to keylock it, you might easily send messages/ dial the wrong number. Some SE straight phones are good though, and even if you didn't key lock, it's hard to dial the wrong number because the keypad is tight.
I would rate the W850i 9.5/10, and the W810i 8/10
Great phones. The K790i is also great, smooth feeling.
Posted: 2007-01-06 15:44:55
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but the sliding mechanism of it might be an issue in the future...
Posted: 2007-01-10 15:19:13
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nice morgan car there....
Posted: 2007-01-10 15:55:15
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Well, i have had the w810 for a while now, as far as i'm concerned the autofocus feature is a must for good photos, you just dont get the same quality out of one without autofocus, plus the flash LED is one of the best available, compared with the W850's, its clear the W850 wasnt intened for good pics. I like the screen size of the w850, and for a QVGA, SE managed to pack it up pretty tight/compact. I must agree that the W850 has much better sound quality, the hissing in the W810 is really stupid, for a walkman fone, but i fixed that through a bit of patching

, I also love the box that the W850 comes in. One thing i hate about the W850 is that its missing a play/pause button
[ This Message was edited by: mobilemodman on 2007-01-19 04:37 ]
Posted: 2007-01-19 05:35:17
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Im planing to buy W850 soon & only one thing is bothering me and that is navigation keys. They say that they are small and very frustrating. Hard to press with big fingers etc. Is that true or.... I would like to hear opinion from W850 owners.
Posted: 2007-02-11 02:28:08
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this is just what i was looking for as im gonna buy a w850 next weekend...my first choise was the w810... y i decided to get the w850 actually im not sure but theres sumthing about the w850 is looks better and the overall feeling of it..as for the keypad issue i read an sum internet page it has some kind of factory crack on the down part of the d pad (look it up in google)but aparently it only happends on the white one...so anyways im getting a black w850 so its definitly w850 over w810

[ This Message was edited by: Djrj on 2007-02-25 01:20 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Djrj on 2007-02-25 01:20 ]
Posted: 2007-02-25 02:19:36
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bought the w810i late august last year.....
been very happy with it...
BUT, it would be very nice if they would release an update for the media player.....
Posted: 2007-03-18 06:17:41
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Not to mention the bigger 240x320 screen, better rear speaker, the 8GB memory support and the stylish design. would go for the white version cause c'mon, everyone has a black bar phone, orange walkmans are everywhere, the white one is cooler, just like japanese phones. w850 is an exotic phone i should remark. The bigger size comes in handy when making a call too.
Oh yeah, w850 has album art, w810 doesnt.
And its not like im dying for the perfect picture, w850 is not that bad at all, there is always photoshop, even irfanview can save your day.
But really, the AF would made the w850 the best phone ever, i dare to say. There is no perfect phone as everyone knows, but its a really well balanced phone overall.
In the end my vote goes for w850.
Posted: 2007-03-18 08:03:15
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Hey guys...can you plz tell me which phones speaker is the best n the loudest?
Posted: 2007-03-27 21:20:45
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