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Wuz Posts: 319

Thanks for an excellent, well put together and intelligent review.
Posted: 2007-09-07 12:01:22
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psikey Posts: > 500

Good review but nothing to sway me from the W960i when available as the upgrade from my P990i (subject to price/reviews of course!).

The iPhone does look very nice but it's missing too much functionallty and for portable music I'm still totally happy with my 8GB Nano.

Posted: 2007-09-07 12:31:05
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DragonEye Posts: > 500

well the camera outperformed the e65 with ease so i'd say yes its decent..

i love the iphone the more i use it... a lot more fun then my p1i and i love that too...

unlocking is done cheap for me by my friend.. but market price now is $100 to $150 cad per unlock...

On 2007-09-07 10:49:11, NightBlade wrote:
Hahaha, I just read that you can't delete files.
How lame is that?

Oh, and the lack of Java is a big nono. How am I supposed to properly surf the net with its WiFi without Java?

i said you can't delete sync'd media.. pictures and music...but at the same time there's lots of 3rd party apps being developed that are increasing the phones usefulness..

lol don't hate the broswer is the best ever on a mobile device...
Shaolinmonk on HOFO Official PHONE JUNKIE
My P1i Review

[ This Message was edited by: DragonEye on 2007-09-07 16:32 ]
Posted: 2007-09-07 17:21:06
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max_wedge Posts: > 500

exactly, the browser is one of the strong points.

It's a crippled phone, and I couldn't abide that which is why I won't buy one.
Posted: 2007-09-08 04:46:50
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amnesia Posts: > 500

I have mentioned myself that I don't like it because of the lack of MMS, good camera, and 3G (and I wished it had satnav)

However, I with the price drop I decided to get one for myself. I'm considering it a second phone. Specifically an iPod with a phone feature
Posted: 2007-09-08 05:50:28
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AbuBasim Posts: > 500

Did you see this one?

Bitingly satirical iPhone wallpapers take fun out of purchase

If only it weren't true.


Posted: 2007-09-08 06:29:48
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DragonEye Posts: > 500

lol no more obsolete then my old p990i
Posted: 2007-09-08 07:05:43
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max_wedge Posts: > 500

that's not saying much What about compared to your P1?
Posted: 2007-09-08 08:44:07
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DragonEye Posts: > 500

On 2007-09-08 08:44:07, max_wedge wrote:
that's not saying much What about compared to your P1?

eyecandy makes my p1i look like dos.... such a shame...
Posted: 2007-09-10 06:00:58
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jesal Posts: 42

wow unlocked iphones cool enough. can it do video recording cuz i keep hearing u cannot. whats the retail to thoese ?
Posted: 2007-09-10 08:52:19
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