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etaab Posts: > 500

Yeah its a little off topic, but then so am i moaning about how anal these people are about comparing things. I understand the Finns want a phone that will work in their wintery landscape, but for the rest of us its a total waste of time knowing this information. The problem is people still use this type of information to slander one brand over another, which i would do if i were a fanboy of a particular brand.

What will they compare next ? The iPhone cannot be used by someone with poor personal hygiene due to the smears of grease on the glass ? The SGS2 cannot be used by people with blonde hair ? The HTC Sensation cannot be used in areas where there is a risk of insects that might get inside the phones casing (a small dig at the poor build quality of most HTC handsets there, get it ?)

Basically what im saying is they're comparing NONESENSE !! - all imho anyway !
Posted: 2012-02-07 23:05:07
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masseur Posts: > 500

lol... fair enough.

anyway.. after all these years... everyone is still comparing against the iphone so it seems it is still the benchmark device, as is the ipad now, as is the ipod, but not so the mac... well... except the macbook air which the new range of windows ultrabooks have been created to compete with

as for comparing nonesense, as I said before, its really just a by product that gets the company exposure in places they wouldn't normally get it. I certainly never heard of them before but being able to track crashes in real time and respond is definitly a +ve imho
Posted: 2012-02-07 23:15:50
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

I sometimes use my iPhone in bed and it gets pretty hot
ive noticed twice its crashed on safari its on the logs
I guess they will be sent to apple when I plug it in to iTunes
Posted: 2012-02-13 23:52:55
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etaab Posts: > 500

All phones can get hot depending on what you're doing with them and in what circumstances.
Posted: 2012-02-15 21:18:56
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

I know they can theres also issues with them exploding
and thats not only Apple phones by the way
Posted: 2012-02-16 01:29:43
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etaab Posts: > 500

Nokia phones were often known for batteries exploding when i was more into SE phones back in the day.
Posted: 2012-02-16 19:38:30
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Syllabus Posts: 1

Oh, well...
The thing is (and that's why the number of iOS crashes raised, and Android is behind):

As someone stated, iOS apps will rarely crash while usage. Why? Because they all pass through an inspection when submitted to the AppStore.
So why were they crashing a lot in the last months, and Android has less crash numbers than iOS?
Well, that's why in iOS 4.3, there was no Garbage Collector implemented on the iOS. That means that we ( CocoaTouch/Objective-C programmers) had to handle all the allocated objects in our code.
Now, in iOS 5, the iOS takes care of our objects, since Garbage Collection has been implemented.
This means that, when the first object in our code is released, the probability that the app will crash is tremendous, because we will be inflicting an exception to the OS.
So probably, all the apps you have that have not been updated to be compatible with iOS 5 will crash when started/used for a small amount of time.

Hope this information clarifies a bit

PS: I have an Android.
[ This Message was edited by: Syllabus on 2012-03-16 01:18 ]

Posted: 2012-03-16 02:16:38
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