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etaab Posts: > 500

I think how i used to be when i was a kid and then think would i do this kind of thing. Not a chance, in fact such a notion wouldnt enter my head, so i'll go down the route of considering this person rather stupid and probably has some form of mental difficulty.
Posted: 2012-04-08 22:16:06
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world_goods Posts: 18

On 2012-04-07 08:47:00, Bonovox wrote:
Oh why?? The iPhone is hardly worth it is it?? I would rather sell my kidney for a Galaxy Note. Not that I'd do that I just think why it's just a phone for feck sake

And why not sell 1 leg to buy a new pair of boots! Stupid is as Stupid does!
Posted: 2012-04-09 01:17:59
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2012-04-08 20:57:52, Bonovox wrote:
We live in a time where material things seem to matter to young people. In a poor country or a poor family the need should be food & clothing. But kids see these things & these days it's all want, want, want. Like I see so many kids in UK today they expect so much from their parents. Gotta have the latest trainers or gadgets or at school they will be a loser. I think this is very sad & no adult should have allowed this. I certainly would not do this for a mobile phone & especially not an Iphone I would be bored after 5 minutes & want me kidney back

Bonovox ... I think you touched on something important in this kids decision without even realizing it.

Material things matter to young people & that kids want, want want.
For kids whom are poor - and I'm NOT talking about not getting to go on a school ski trip that costs the parents an extra $130 for 2 days - I'm talking when both your parents have to make the following decisions paycheque to paycheque that affect the entire family for each week out of a month:

primary needs:
Pay Rent on time or be evicted in less than 3 (you've already had 2 previous N1 notices!)
Goto work with just a glass of milk for breakfast and no lunch; hoping dinner is more than just rice+butter+coconut oil.
kids carrying 2/4 slices of bread with mayo & ham (because its THE cheapest meat at 100g at the deli/grocery store)
The oldest kid will have to eat rice+butter+coconut oil (the latter used to cook the rice) for 3nights/wk while the youngest gets to have chicken with the rice and peas.
when the oldest kid gets kicked out of the house for eating 1 bun (pkg of 6; when the youngest lied to not get yelled at and new the parent that got home from work the earliest would believe them)

Want Material/intangible:
when you're the kid that gets picked on because your wearing acid wash jeans in a time before its second coming 7yrs before.
when you're laughed at because just by colour alone you don't fit in; in this kids case because you don't HAVE what the others have so like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer you cannot join in all the reindeer games (or conversations nor hang out).

Kids are resilient - physically, they can take a HELL of a beating, starve for 36hrs straight and barely show signs of it if not worked so physically hard (repeatedly it DOES show), but emotionally their as fragile as touching a butterfly's wings. When you don't fit in you're rejected, you feel like you have no worth, and come home to the suffering or abuse or fighting of parents over the family's financial plight doesn't help.

I can speak from life experience. But I can tell you I'd rather steal for food (I have many times in my youth for me & my lil sister back in grade school), then give up my body part for anything.

TODAY though ... the internet is just as important as food is or close to a kids learning and thus essentially to their survival: Education (youtube educational videos, wikipedia, blogs, colleges/universities at MUCH $$$ cheaper pricing), self expression (FaceBook, MySpace, Google+, etc, blogs, abuse sites, communities, etc), creative (blogs and so many collaborative sites in the social), so much more!!
now multiply this in a country whose socialistic values are very different from that of UK/USA/Canada/Brazil/Italy/Norway/etc etc!!!

Did any of you find it stupid that ppl laid down in front of tanks at Tianamin Square?! That started a huge revolution that the country is scarred from for generations. On a much smaller scale these kids are fighting their own revolution at school amongst their peers. I fear this maybe a trend that continues
Posted: 2012-04-09 03:20:54
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etaab Posts: > 500

I can understand some kids may go to extreme lengths to fit in with the crowd and want the latest bit of kit, but to actually go to this extreme is not the reason imo.

I can imagine kids committing theft, robbery from other kids or many other ways of scraping money together but to actually do this. No, its stupidity for sure.
Posted: 2012-04-09 21:15:25
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tranced Posts: > 500

This is marketing at its max!
Posted: 2012-04-09 21:20:04
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Vipera ammodytes Posts: > 500

candidate for Darwin awards, stupid idiot!
Posted: 2012-04-10 00:00:20
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

I guess its nothing different then a teen having a Child and selling that?
ive read storys of that too !

but Kids will go through lengths to get things if there parents cannot provide them
look at last years August Riots in the United Kingdom
Btw I guess this teen knew it was a wrong thing to do as he never told his parents of his actions
they only found out after he brought those Gadgets home now he has learnt and is facing up to it!
Posted: 2012-04-10 02:33:28
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