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General discussions : Product reviews : If you want to compare T610 v 7250, here is a good review here.
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dave_uk Posts: > 500


28mb? Where's my missing 8mb?

I've only got 4mb on the phone and 16mb on the mem stick. Where's the rest?

Sorry, I know this probably shouldn't be on this thread but as you pointed out, I'm new to this game.
Posted: 2003-03-10 05:54:00
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Citizzen Posts: 23

T610 is obviously better than the 7250 in terms of everything!!
Posted: 2003-03-10 06:03:00
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fijbert Posts: > 500

12mb internal, 16mb DUO

u prolly hv the P802.. that comes with only 8mb internal mem
if I'm not mistaken
Posted: 2003-03-10 06:56:00
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Froddan Posts: > 500

How come it's ok for t610 to have 2MB memory, but pathetic for 7650 to only have 3,6MB?
They are equally equipped phones. And I'm not saying that 3,6 or 5 is enough, but still that's more than 2.
Posted: 2003-03-10 09:35:00
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Deltayoda Posts: > 500

On 2003-03-10 05:38, dave_uk wrote:
Fair point but.....

1) You've really go 20mb as standard in a P800, not that bad is it?

2) Try posting this website from your iPAQ, if you catch my drift!

Let's face it, the ultimate Phone/PDA (whatever that may be) is gonna be more in line with SEs latest than any iPAQ. You gotta have phone functionality...... after all,

It's good to talk

What do you mean? I have posted on this forum from my IPAQ before without any problems from France. Given that France GPRS sucks big time, it worked great using my T68i and IPAQ combo. Just comparing the size to my Ipaq and T68, it's not that big, and both fit in my pocket. The IPAQ is pretty impressive, even the older models are great too. I'm planning to buy the iPAQ h5450 now that I can (Looks great), since France and Germany are totally BEHIND in this for some odd reason and I couldn't buy it from there

As for SE's P800 PDA/PHONE, it does not impress me one bit anymore. I was impressed before it was out and planned on buying one, but now that I've seen it in person, it sucks.
Posted: 2003-03-10 13:10:00
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spookyy Posts: 66

Why is there so much different informtaion about 7250??? Nokia's website says that it has 725kb memory, another review says 4mb, and now this review says 5 mb! Who is right?????
Posted: 2003-03-10 15:43:00
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Lopio Posts: 266

This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2003-03-10 15:55:00
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kimmjio Posts: 76

Well the nokia website certainly states and I qoute
'The following features share a memory pool of 725 kB
MMS messages (max size 45 kB per MMS message)
Ringing tones in Gallery (20 preset, all removable)
Images (10 preset, all removable)
Java� applications (3 preset, max download size 64 kB per application)'
Posted: 2003-03-10 16:37:00
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ppcrockar Posts: > 500

@ Froddan

Well, it's pathetic with 3.6MB in the 7650 because that is a smartphone with an OS that can play mp3, videos and install "real" programs. 3.6MB is very little memory on a SymbianOS device. Also the built-in camera in the T610 has about half the resolution of the 7650 and the images will therefore be smaller.

The T610 on the other hand has 2MB, and can't play mp3, videos, or install real "programs". Sure the T610 can install Java apps and Mophun games, but they are generally quite small (compared to SymbianOS programs which are generally much larger).

I think the 2MB in the T610 would be more than enough. Just look at the amount of stuff that is possible to have in a T68i. In my T68 I have 47 pictures, around 30 melodies, 13 MMS and I still have 62kb of memory left. The Mophun games are pretty small so that should be no problems.

I think you guys are driving this memory issue way out of porportion. If the T610 could play videos or mp3 I would agree that 2MB would be too little.

[ This Message was edited by: ppcrockar on 2003-03-10 20:33 ]
Posted: 2003-03-10 21:31:00
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dave_uk Posts: > 500


I think you missed my point...

You would have had difficulty posting anything without your T68i, right? The P800 is a PDA/phone combo (sorry to state the obvious!) and as such is not really comparable to using two separate-purpose devices.

Granted the iPAQ is superior in terms of SW, memory capacity and quantity of available apps, but you have to respect the fact that the P800 is, without doubt, the best single device of it's kind on the market now, previously or in the near future.
Posted: 2003-03-10 23:34:00
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