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> HPR-20 Review
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There is one thing i noticed while using the HPR-20 just now im listening to radio and browsing the esato forums on wap when i click on the topic or a link and the page starts to load there comes this anoying sound from the headset for the time that the page loads its nothing much but enough to notice it ... Regards Laz
This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2003-03-21 10:34:00
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mine got very poor signal....but when i try the portable receiver(standalone) it is much clearer....when i on it to 3/5 bar the sound will be distorted even when i have a stereo indicator...
Posted: 2003-03-21 14:31:00
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Thanks for the positive feedback!
I know the case is the for the radio and cables - it's just coincidence that it fits the t68i perfectly! Anyway, I don't think I'd keep the radio in the case, so I may as well use it for something!
Anyway, after a few more days use, a few things annoy me:
The reception in my city (Bath) is terrible (always good-bad-good-bad-etc...), unless you tune into the local stations. We can't even get channel 5, and apparently the mobile network '3' will not cover Bath either - so this isn't the fault of the radio. If I stand still in a good reception 'pocket', it's great!
Um... the earphones don't stay in my ears too well, but I have that problem with all earphones! - that's why I wear headphones
The blue plastic strip is a tiny bit loose around the slider button, and 'creaks' when I use the slider. That annoys me a tiny bit...
(I'm really trying hard to find faults here

PS: Really looking forward to the

Bluetooth MP3 handsfree - no cables, headphones, MP3!!
Posted: 2003-03-21 17:01:00
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i have send my set back for repair...the guy tested it and said he will send it for check if it is faulty he will change a new one....hope the new set is oK...just got it for one day and this kind of thing happens....most pro get it by next wed/thursday
Posted: 2003-03-22 10:19:00
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I'm in the process of selling my HPR-11. but I got my HPR-20 today, and I think its a wicked beast, the only thing is that the cord setup isnt quite long enough for the radio to stay in pants pocket (or clipped to it), and it has too much cable if i clip it up near my collar. Oh well, can't win 'em all.
Also, the basic shape of the earpieces is the same as the old HPR-11s, with the same ridge down the sides. This was so they could be slotted into the little holder that came with the HPR-11. Since the HPR-20 doesnt have any holder like that, why does it still have that design. I think the SE designers just got lazy, but they couldv'e been lazy and used the regular Fontopia shape, because I think its stupid to have the grooves without any use for them.
Posted: 2003-03-26 16:03:00
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well the design of the new ear phones are the same as the new personal handsfree lauched recently.. the personal handsfree earpiece comes with the holder. However it is expensive to make a new ear piece design just for the radio. furthermore, the production quantity for the HPR-20 is not a lot. So it does not justify the need. Imagine the extra price to make a new ear piece will in the end be asorbed by the customer. will you want that to happen? i beileve it is not the laziness of the people of SE and the designer to want to let that happen.
Posted: 2003-03-26 17:26:00
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Good point, but then why didn't they include the holder with the radio? I suppose I'm trying to get something for nothing, but I wouldn't have minded if they added $1 or $2 to the price and included a SE branded earpiece holder.
Posted: 2003-03-27 05:14:00
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Hmmm... maybe it'll be like adding to many sepearate parts into a simple product. As u noticed, the HPR-20 itself has too many parts already. There's the main radio unit, 2 earpiece, 1 mic, 1 3V connector piece. I believe they feel that by adding another earpiece holder, it will complicate things further. Another reason is that for a 1 piece personal handsfree, u need the holder to hold the earpiece when it is not in use. This justifies the need of the holder. For the HPR-20, u can always hang the earpieces over the neck when it is not in use use like a normal earphones. In this case a holder does not really justify the need.
Posted: 2003-03-27 06:16:00
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agree the earpiece can be place around ur neck when not using..anyway those old earpiece is alos very loose...my earpiece always drop out of the holder.......
Posted: 2003-03-27 15:06:00
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Did you get the radio back - did you have a problem after all?
I've noticed that sometimes my earphone makes a vibating noise on deep (bassy) notes. It's like the speaker is detached *inside* the earphone. (Only on Right earphone)
Posted: 2003-03-28 12:13:00
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