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General discussions : Other manufacturers : Pictures of the T68 killer, Nokia 7210! ( Maybe :-) )
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Ilder Posts: 64

Well.. the headset is bluetooth. Really cool.
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:35:00
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Emperor666 Posts: 84

LOR: let's keep it serious here? It's a question about technology. If you could choose between a T68i WITH radio or WITHOUT i don't think u would choose without. AND i bet most people would have it biuld in...Less to keep track on. LOGIC my friend, logic...
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:36:00
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Emperor666 Posts: 84

ILDER: hvor er det info om det???
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:37:00
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Ilder Posts: 64

Vet ikke helt.. Kjenner bare en som har en far som jobber i Ericsson.
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:38:00
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Ne0 Posts: 353

Nokia will fall
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:39:00
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Emperor666 Posts: 84

Hvis det er sant, s� er d jo et steg p� veien...Men litt rart. Lyden vil jo IKKE bli bra!
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:39:00
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mhorton Posts: > 500

Still can't touch the T68

on Nokia
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:40:00
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lor Posts: > 500

Emperor666, use that logic you talk so much about

why put in a radio when bluetooth would be better suited?
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:40:00
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Ne0 Posts: 353

Hvorfor ville ikke lyden bli bra? Bluetooth sender jo radiosignaler akkurat som radioen
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:43:00
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Ilder Posts: 64

Han fortalte ogs� om en jakke du kunne f� kj�pt til 5000 hvor det var handsfree i hetta, og innebygd bluetooth. Hehe, t�ft � komme midt p� sommeren med jakke og hetta p�.
Posted: 2002-03-12 15:47:00
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