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masseur Posts: > 500

It should probably not be forgotten however, that many of the questions where similar features exist, also apply to T300/T310.
Posted: 2003-08-10 08:26:53
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Tinribs Posts: 187

This is indeed as very helpful thread, surely it should be a sticky that can be updated, as it is its slipping down the board now (so this is sort of a bump)
Posted: 2003-08-10 11:25:08
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Orange2k3 Posts: 14

thnx this was very useful to a newbie like me
Posted: 2003-08-10 19:19:50
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SWISS2 Posts: 3

i got onto the service menue and tried to increase the volume of polyphonic tone. every time i tried to increase it it went back to half strength. is that normal?
Posted: 2003-08-12 17:17:49
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wrath000 Posts: > 500

It's normal. It's ment for testing the speaker.
Posted: 2003-08-13 11:37:08
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abraham_aiza Posts: 32


i have a silly cuestion, i want to send some themes to my t300 from my p800 via infrared, how can i do it?

Posted: 2003-08-15 01:06:40
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wrath000 Posts: > 500

Do you have the T300 themes saved as .thm files on P800? Isn't it then just to activate IR reception on T300 and send via IR from P800?
Posted: 2003-08-16 04:47:10
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abraham_aiza Posts: 32

heve u tried that, it doesnt let u
Posted: 2003-08-16 20:53:03
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MaThIbUs Posts: > 500

Maybe the mods could make this thread a sticky one… *hint hint* This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2003-08-16 21:07:02
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masseur Posts: > 500

yeah... thats been suggested a couple of times but if they ain't done it so far... they ain't gonna!

I'm busy collating more stuff to send to wrath000 to add to this unofficial faq... and was really hoping to see it sticky by now.
Posted: 2003-08-16 21:17:17
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