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bart Posts: > 500

the results of Q3 won't be that great, and idd no profit yet. Q4 and Q1 will be killers, SE will take big jums forward. i'm sure SE will regain the 4th place in the global top in Q4 and maby 3th place in Q1. siemens will rise abit, motorola will stay about the same, samsung will drop and nokia will lose bigtime. nec will also see his activity in europe rise as will toshiba. LG will keep losing more. alcatel i don't know.
Posted: 2003-10-08 11:39:01
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hurny Posts: 350

Wow- a soothsayer, tarot reader and a future teller all in one!

They're pretty strange assumtions to make. What are you basing that on? The upcoming phones- whether you like them or not?
Posted: 2003-10-08 11:51:06
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orange Posts: 397

On 2003-10-08 11:51:06, hurny wrote:
Wow- a soothsayer, tarot reader and a future teller all in one!

They're pretty strange assumtions to make. What are you basing that on? The upcoming phones- whether you like them or not?

As a fanatic SE fan, he is basing these assumption for hope...
Posted: 2003-10-08 12:06:30
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prodjsxb Posts: > 500

well as long as SE phones dont randomly explode in the owners pocket or whatever, then they will be alright.

True brokia has a large market share, but seeing how long they have been around??? in just a short time, SE has taken a large chunk of that pie, even seimens has entered more strongly this year...

Oh well, we shall have to wait and see what happens, but SE did sign a deal with T-Mobile and Microcell to push their phones out into the public eye...
Posted: 2003-10-08 22:17:51
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Merkur Posts: 311

What I have heard about problems @ SE is problems receiving components for their products.
I have also heard that the T230 is delayed, possibly untill Q1 04. If that's true, they willl not have a cheap phone in the christmas rush, except the Z200.
Posted: 2003-10-08 23:35:18
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Draak Posts: 55

SE have realy big troubles if i hear so.

another reason is that Sony and Ericsson will saperate if SE bad 3 qarter result have.

And yes the stuff implentaions verry shit at all.
Why give Sony cam stuf to SE,damn Sony.

I think SE wil disepear in this or next year.
Posted: 2003-10-14 18:11:17
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Krubach Posts: > 500

On 2003-10-14 18:11:17, Draak wrote:
SE have realy big troubles if i hear so.

another reason is that Sony and Ericsson will saperate if SE bad 3 qarter result have.

And yes the stuff implentaions verry shit at all.
Why give Sony cam stuf to SE,damn Sony.

I think SE wil disepear in this or next year.

We don't have to worry about this anymore do we?
We now have Q3 results and SE is back in black numbers. Phone sales increased dramatically.
So that's bye bye for this thread. no more reasons for it to exist.
Posted: 2003-10-15 16:57:53
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wrath000 Posts: > 500

I suppose that's why you revived this thread from oblivion....
Posted: 2003-10-15 17:01:37
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