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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Lookin for T39
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jr_rca Posts: 333

warp bilihin mo raw yung binili nya sakin na T39 hehehe.
Posted: 2004-01-08 05:35:42
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warp86 Posts: 129

luko to si enjin ah.......OK deal 2k? close na natin?
Posted: 2004-01-12 08:53:18
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enjin_tiu Posts: 130

@warp, 2k? hmmm...? sige plus 50 litres of Vortex Gold
Posted: 2004-01-13 11:29:42
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warp86 Posts: 129

@enjin -- deal....yung vortex na wala additives....
Posted: 2004-01-14 14:44:38
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jr_rca Posts: 333

warp meron pa akong isang t39 kaya lang 3.5k
Posted: 2004-01-16 06:21:46
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enjin_tiu Posts: 130

rca - the t39 you sold me has a defect on its mic piece. at first i thought it was just some network glitch pero consistent yung problem on all calls i make. anyway, the deal was already closed.
Posted: 2004-01-21 07:01:44
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jr_rca Posts: 333

sira? try mo sa service test parang napansin ko lang humina nung pina update ko sa smartnet kasi nung on the way ako sa mega ginagamit ko pa yan for calls.
Posted: 2004-01-25 07:39:56
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warp86 Posts: 129

@jr 3.5 ----2.5k na lang....baka sira din?
Posted: 2004-02-02 14:37:21
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