General discussions : Other manufacturers : Nokia 8310 downloading pictures on WAP
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> Nokia 8310 downloading pictures on WAP
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T-mobile have to give away free phones on contract to get customers they're that bad. Terrible network coverage. My wife is taking her 8310 back to the O2 shop tomorrow for a new one. This one that she got on monday has the \"auto power-off\" bug.
This post was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2002-05-16 21:07:00
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very useful feature that
Posted: 2002-05-16 21:10:00
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Isn't O2 such a cheezy name?!?!
Posted: 2002-05-16 21:11:00
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Its some kind of battery saving thing I reckon!
This post was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2002-05-16 22:40:00
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