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> T68i Service Provider software unlock
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Hi everyone!
I just got my new T68i from AT&T. I would like to unlocked because I want to use it in Spain with another service provider.
Could anyone tell me the webpage of a good place where I could send my phone to unlock? Is there any place in the Dallas (TX) Area?
Thank you!! I think this forum is GREAT!!
Posted: 2002-09-26 21:40:00
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So am I safe in saying:
Unless you get the unlock code from your sp;
or you get it unlocked at a sevice centre (which ain't going to happen!);
You can't unlock the phone yourself unless you use one of these logger/internet services unless you have an Emma II card.
If I'm talking rollocks, let me know cause I'm trying to get my head round all this...(More used to dealing with Nokias
Posted: 2002-10-03 15:52:00
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I am not sure if this question has been answered. I have searched this forum and there seems to be conflicting answers to unlocking sims. I have a Voicestream T68m. I go to greece often and while there I bought a Vodafone prepaid sim card thinking it would work in my phone. But it didnt. Is this because Voicestream (now T-mobile) has progamed my phone only to accept their sim? If so is there anyway my phone can be reprogarmmed to accept other sim cards and if so does anyone know anyone in the USA that can do this for me? I have no problem paying for this service.
Posted: 2002-10-19 01:04:00
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