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BobaFett Posts: > 500

I could have imagine a 'sony-less' /// aswell. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-11 18:49:25
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david1975 Posts: > 500

Would be nice but it is the end of an era This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2004-09-11 19:08:02
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

The only positive result of it that /// is now in the hall of fame and so it stays til eternity. The other brands should still fight to join the club. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-11 19:39:40
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bart Posts: > 500

i was against SE from day one. and i still am. ericsson had so many dreams, so many projects, so many ideas. and now we see little thats special. sure SE makes the best phones and stuff.
but ericsson had much better design. also ericsson made phones for more segments, and the idea's that they had where just beyond all of our dreams. also where is bluetooth? SE only puts it in high end phones, if ericsson would've been alone low end phones like the T105 would come standard with bluetooth. and what about the batteries? ericsson used lion-polymeer in there phones since the T28, and now most of there new phones like F/K50x K700 Z5/600 S700 all have lion batteries. and where are the leds? most of use loved the leds on the phones. sure some of you guys hated the blinking leds, but a function that could turn them off would've solved the problem. its just so sad

SE won't split now that they are making good profit. there marketshare is good but i doubt that it will grow during the next 2Q. it all depends on there design and the features they give us. i hope ericsson will one day make phones under its own name again, but i know that its not a good thing, restarting again, making the brand famous again. but who knows miricales excist...
Posted: 2004-09-11 21:23:31
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david1975 Posts: > 500

I agree you never know one day they will This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2004-09-11 21:29:16
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

@bart i do agree with u to the last, but unfortunately for the most users are those features important what /// developed for fun. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-11 21:41:26
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milmino Posts: 454

Actually IMO (so dont criticise) I always prefered sony to ericsson especially when I was really satisfied with my j70 but I have to admit ericsson made more classy phones which were ahead of their time and sony made more gadgetty phones and were more business minded than ericsson but I didnt mind when was formed and wouldnt mind when they break up (as long as I have my s700 by then)
Posted: 2004-09-11 21:46:18
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701 Posts: > 500

Yeah, :se: is unhappy that its market share went up 5%, and ericsson is unhappy that sony saved their sorry ass from bankruptcy. Together they r a force producing professional telco equipment while the initiator of this thread doesnt know his head from his @ss:-D This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-09-11 21:59:41
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david1975 Posts: > 500

Acctually little boy the artical i read was from a financial report which grown up people read very few pictures for you oh sorry best stop u might have a tantrum and throw all your toys from your pram This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2004-09-11 22:08:57
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

No need for flaming imo, why to fill the garbage more? This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-11 22:45:30
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