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does anyone have an idea when 3 will start proper e-top ups? i feel like a dinosaur when i put type the code into the phone!
Posted: 2004-10-21 00:56:00
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I've just put some credit on mine via their '3 today' services page and my debit card with no problems! Was all secure, quick and easy and no topup cards!
Another signal complaint - went to Birmingham and the theatre this evening, and despite being in the centre of the 2nd biggest city in the UK, I was stuck in 2G mode most of the time whilst in central birmingham!
It came back on the way home just after getting to Spagetti Junction, but before then not even a restart bought it back!
Don't know if there were any problems in that area this evening, or if my phone has a bit of a signal/firmware problem still.
Very dissapointing 3, I expected better reception than that!! At least there was still a strong 2G signal so that calls\texts could be made if needed be. I could usually tell when the phone was switching between 2G/3G mode as the signal totally dissapeared for a few seconds before re-appearing again. I still had my main contract K700i phone with me though!
Posted: 2004-10-21 03:40:13
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I was told that the NEC 616 locks onto whichever signal is strongest, so even if there is a 3G signal it will hold the 2G signal if it is stronger. You could set your mobile to remain on 3G permanently, which has the added bonus of improving battery performance as well.
Posted: 2004-10-21 04:49:04
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just a couple of weeks ago i read in the newspapers that orange is going to start its 3G service in november and just before christmas voda and t-mobile shoud start as well. they said that orange is going to have a couple of completely new 3G phones including new nokia (6630?) se (v800?) lg (8150) and motorola (a1000). dont know what to believe though...
Posted: 2004-10-21 05:49:00
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btw i have a 3G contract for a couple of months now, got it with nokia 7600. the price for the minutes is bargain (12,50 for 500mins), network coverage is not perfect though, even in central london if you are in the building behind a couple of concrete walls, signal may be a big problem. its pretty normal for me that i have to go outside on the balcony when i want to make a call (btw. i live in zone 1, so i suppose this is a big problem).
Posted: 2004-10-21 05:58:00
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@scotsboy - I've just put the phone into permanent 3G mode - so far it's held the signal with no problems, but stil early days!
@vladi - thanks for the info - sounds like my contract's come up for renewal just at the right time! If I do go the 3G route for a contract phone, it may have plenty of choice - possibly including the
Posted: 2004-10-21 10:50:22
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You might want to consider waiting a few weeks after the V800 is released, that will hopefully give you enough time to determine if the other netowrk's 3G services are up to standard or if they are facing problems.
Posted: 2004-10-21 16:25:43
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umm well this thread is a little uk but ok anyway i got my z1010 a few days ago, it's a good phone though a little bulky and the menus aren't as nice as the ones in my k700 but ok.
i've tested some features of 3g already, the signal strength where i live is excellent (it never falls down from 5 bars), our provider offers some televison programs in real time, i have found that totally pointless with my old p800 as the quality was awful but umts is a totally different story, clear programs, good sound almost like a mini tv, music videos, weather forecasts, news are also great but they aren't real time so nothing special. I haven't tested the video call yet as not a lot of my friends have 3g phones but i'm going to test it tomorrow or today....
umts is definitely the future....
and radio over umts is also a fun addition but all these things do cost a lot, i know it depends on which gprs-umts subscription you choose but still....
Posted: 2004-10-21 16:59:37
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I was really looking forward to the Z1010 being released in the UK, but it has taken so long that it looks set to be much less of a success here, if not a failure, than it could have been. If the Z1010 had been released in the UK even a few months ago it would still have been in a position to dominate much of the 3G market; the LG8110 has assumed that role.
Posted: 2004-10-21 20:23:47
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On 2004-10-21 20:23:47, scotsboyuk wrote:
I was really looking forward to the Z1010 being released in the UK, but it has taken so long that it looks set to be much less of a success here, if not a failure, than it could have been. If the Z1010 had been released in the UK even a few months ago it would still have been in a position to dominate much of the 3G market; the LG8110 has assumed that role.
well the price is saving z1010 here as you can get it even cheaper than k700 (with mobitel.si (our provider)) i actually saw more z1010's on the streets today than k700's, the count was about 4-1 lol
Posted: 2004-10-21 21:02:51
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