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Market : Mobile phones wanted : this may seem like the most stupid question ever! (where are the smilies?)
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gelfen Posts: > 500

@mass: i see where you're coming from, but i don't think everyone necessarily has the time or temprement to click every hyperlink they come accross on a website just to see what it does.

when i first joined i only knew about the smiley and bb codes from having seen a direct link posted in a thread. when i went to look for it later i remembered that the url had "faq" tacked on the end and so, understandably, that's where i looked first - to my disappointment. it was only after hunting through the main pages that i came across the link i needed on the reply page. i'm not saying the average net user couldn't work it out eventually, but IMO there are more obvious ways to provide that link - such as in the FAQ page - for people without such an explorative streak or general web experience.
Posted: 2004-12-17 03:14:20
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Davo_169 Posts: > 500

i cant beleive this thread is still going
its going to be on fire soon mwa ha ha haaaa
Posted: 2004-12-17 07:44:37
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parsnip Posts: 386

Why did it stop....why lol :D This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2004-12-29 23:43:52
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govigov Posts: > 500

I couldnt figure out the smilies at first. Then i pm'd vlam and she told me. This message was posted from a K500
Posted: 2004-12-29 23:57:25
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