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> Tiny, hands on, mini review of the K750
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The new port at the bottom is really an USB-interface we were told, but they choose not to go with an mini-usb (like the Z/V800 and K600) because itīs not sturdy enough for a sync station for instance.
It wouldnīt hold the phone in place, mini-usb is too small.
Posted: 2005-03-03 12:19:15
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Tranquil, I do envy you

Wish I was at your shoes!
Good work!
Posted: 2005-03-03 12:35:11
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No need to envy me my shoes mate
Posted: 2005-03-03 14:37:12
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Tranquil, you must admit you are a very lucky person
When do you think you'll get your hands on a W800
Posted: 2005-03-03 14:40:38
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Yes, I admit I was lucky last night.
When I wrote the first post I was so exited I had to edit the post a couple of times. It was quite rush being able to play with a phone everyone has heard about but hardly anyone has seen.
The party after the Kick Off lasted all night but I couldn't care less. I had to get home and tell all of you about it. I felt like a kid who just got a new toy and wanted to show it to everyone.
Posted: 2005-03-03 14:55:44
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Actually your not that lucky tranquil after all you only got to try it for a few minutes. The lucky guy is the one that let you try it. I don't think

would be very interested in you for that job since they obviosely have someone in your country already, however I doubt they have any in Egypt and whenever their interested they should let me know

I would promise not to let out any sensitive info and to only tease you guys here at Esato with the slightest amounts of info possible, which would be enough to make a lot of people here drooooooooool
Posted: 2005-03-03 14:55:47
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OK, let me refraze myself then; I was lucky to meet the lucky guy with the phones.
Posted: 2005-03-03 18:20:26
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my god you have big hands
the phone looks cool. is it full plastic?. why didnt you get more pics
how is the 262k scrren, is it very diff from the k700 one? did you ask about batt life. what frimware did it have? anything like the week of production? why didnt you take a pic using the k750 and transfer it to your phone?

god, you could have done lot of things! and all you bring back is a itsy bitsy photo
Posted: 2005-03-03 18:53:16
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Wow, @tranquil, you are seriously lucky, I had a bad feeling that the lens cover would be tacky, and like flick open! But to hear that it is really smooth, that is promising!!!
Cheers, and PS: U lucky Bast......
Posted: 2005-03-03 19:37:59
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I promise you mate; On the way home I was thinking just that! "Oh no! I should have checked this, that and the other out!"
About only getting one picture of it; I was lucky to get that single picure.
The screen was very clear. As I said earlier it's a while since I used a K700 but YoMan uses one every day and said the screen is much clearer than the K700s'.
I didn't ask about the battery life, no.
Having had the phone in my hand gives the "old" pictures we've all seen a totally different meaning now. I can relate what I see to what I saw and touched.
The K750 I looked at crashed and had to be rebooted by taking out the battery. That gave me a glimse of how tiny it is.
Look at these two pictures.
That is not with and without the SIM card cover, it's with and without battery!
As you can see from the same two pictures the lence cover is aliminium. That might be what gives it that "classy" feeling when sliding it open. The rest of the is plastic but without a plasticy feel.
It's funny actually; I saw the phone, for a few minutes, nearly 24 hours ago. But as I write, think back and look at the pictures of it, tiny little things and details keep comming back to me.
For medlemmer i Norge
The Ultimate Ring Tone[ This Message was edited by: tranquil on 2005-03-03 20:11 ]
Posted: 2005-03-03 20:56:04
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