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Nanu Posts: > 500

Not only that but the swap device wizard backs up your databases including service books and reinstates them on your new device, and away you go!
Posted: 2009-03-12 23:53:37
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Berry Posts: > 500

Its OS dependant. And also a backup can create problems and it carries over unwanted or the wrong certificates to the newer device. If they are not compatible then can cause certain issues...

Posted: 2009-03-13 08:37:38
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Nanu Posts: > 500

Service books aren't OS dependent either, service books are service books full stop, they carry the information required by the device for your settings to set up email etc.

If they are, OS, Carrier or device dependent then the device switch wizard wouldn't work as it does.

Nor would I have been able to get BB Maps and WLM working on BB devices months before Orange officially released it!
Posted: 2009-03-13 14:41:21
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Berry Posts: > 500

On 2009-03-13 14:41:21, Nanu wrote:
Service books aren't OS dependent either, service books are service books full stop, they carry the information required by the device for your settings to set up email etc.

If they are, OS, Carrier or device dependent then the device switch wizard wouldn't work as it does.

Nor would I have been able to get BB Maps and WLM working on BB devices months before Orange officially released it!

I meant HTML are OS Dependant.

As an example - HTML email wasnt available on an 8700 running 4.2 as it only became available from 4.5 and that was one of the main features when it came out.

Service books are designed to allow some functions of the BB.

In the Switch Wizard a backup transfers it will repricate the information from an old BB to a new BB. However this is not a completely fool proof method as incorrect certificates for different BBs can be incorrectly installed.

Hence why it is better to do an Advanced Restore ommitting certain parts such Keystore etc.

These are then updated with certain services books that are re sent with you resend SBs.
[ This Message was edited by: Berry on 2009-03-13 14:21 ]

Posted: 2009-03-13 15:10:21
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Nanu Posts: > 500

The emails are sent as they are sent so text is sent as text and html as html, this is regardless of OS, it is the device itself which handles the way the emails are formatted not the service books, hence why you could display HTML using 3rd party software on OS's previous to 4.5.

The confusion is setting in here as we are going on about totally different things, this was all to answer JC's question of "Not sure if the other networks would have the service books for the Storm. "
Posted: 2009-03-13 15:39:52
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Berry Posts: > 500

On 2009-03-13 15:39:52, Nanu wrote:
The emails are sent as they are sent so text is sent as text and html as html, this is regardless of OS, it is the device itself which handles the way the emails are formatted not the service books, hence why you could display HTML using 3rd party software on OS's previous to 4.5.

The confusion is setting in here as we are going on about totally different things, this was all to answer JC's question of "Not sure if the other networks would have the service books for the Storm. "

Ok to clarify.

We know HMTL email is sent as text but the ability to view it as an HTML document was enabled in the 4.5OS.

And yes previous 3rd party apps were available.

And having a reread i can see our across purposes

Posted: 2009-03-13 16:46:21
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zootzoot Posts: > 500

I've gone back to my 8900 curve.

I really like the storm, BUT just couldn't live with the crap battery life.
I didn't even get a full days use out of it, and that's with the latest hybrid os installed.

pin is 2572CE5A
[ This Message was edited by: zootzoot on 2009-03-20 09:46 ]

Posted: 2009-03-15 20:34:42
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Berry Posts: > 500

On 2009-03-15 20:34:42, zootzoot wrote:
I've gone back to my 8900 curve.

I really like the storm, BUT just couldn't live the crap battery life.
I didn't even get a full days use out of it, and that's with the latest os installed.

pin is 2572CE5A

Posted: 2009-03-15 21:15:34
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701 Posts: > 500

I have to say yesterday my Bold let me down. I was away on a business trip&forgot the car charger at home.With a full battery at 7.30, I listen to some podcasts for half an hour, talked around a total of 1,5 hrs on the phone,traveled 700 km (that's important uping the energy consumption), browsed the web,used apps,sms and email for a total of (added) 4 hrs and my battery was dead. GPS off. BT on all the time. That's not right. I even had the same juice from my P1i's smaller battery doing the same thing!I had to stop and by a new car charger in order to use the phone more. Do you think I ask too much from the Bold?:D
Posted: 2009-03-20 10:44:34
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701 Posts: > 500

On 2009-01-30 19:54:00, Prom1 wrote:
btw, 701,

Get your Bold quick and leave your PIN here, add the others in the club and they can assist you live via BB_Messenger.

Is anyone looking forward to a BB that has a video call camera to use with BB_Messenger?

Ok,guys, my pin is 2566FDD7. Add me and be sure I'll squeeze you of EVERY info you have on BB:P
I might be interested in using suck a program when I'm on Wi-Fi!
Posted: 2009-03-20 10:50:48
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