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Unique colorware paint job. Its seems to be more purple.
Anyone looking forward to the upcoming Gemini BB with touch sensor navigation?!!
This if done well may bring me back to the BB platform; but not another rehash of the Curve with no 3G. A smaller Bold in the 8900's design with that Touch Sensor leaked on CrackBerry would do so; at least until the Symbian Foundation^2 devices release around Xmas time.
Man ... I really hope Nokia picks up the development pace else it is doomed in the hardware space.
Posted: 2009-05-02 22:57:09
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what's the best twitter application for the Bold?
I am searching but BB users opinions much appreciated 1
Posted: 2009-05-05 19:43:27
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socialscope, you should be able to get hold of the lite version, or twitterberry, if you already use Viigo you can now tweet from there!
Posted: 2009-05-05 20:06:49
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thank nanu!
all I need now is someone to tweet with !
Posted: 2009-05-05 20:23:54
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how to set a proxy for the gprs apn thx
This message was posted from a TSM100v
Posted: 2009-05-05 21:24:12
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On 2009-05-05 21:24:12, Logicbloke wrote:
how to set a proxy for the gprs apn thx
This message was posted from a TSM100v
Where are you located and what network are you on? ©
[ This Message was edited by: Nanu on 2009-06-22 18:17 ]
Posted: 2009-05-05 22:10:25
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Morocco, 60401 network or MOR IAM. I just wanted to answer you. but your question is useless since I have the parameters, I entered the apn but I couldn't find where to enter the proxy ip
This message was posted from a TSM100v
Posted: 2009-05-06 01:22:56
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On 2009-05-06 01:22:56, Logicbloke wrote:
Morocco, 60401 network or MOR IAM. I just wanted to answer you. but your question is useless since I have the parameters, I entered the apn but I couldn't find where to enter the proxy ip
This message was posted from a TSM100v
you only enter the APN, there is no way or need to enter proxy as it is automatic
Posted: 2009-05-06 01:34:59
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On 2009-05-06 01:34:59, Nanu wrote:
On 2009-05-06 01:22:56, Logicbloke wrote:
Morocco, 60401 network or MOR IAM. I just wanted to answer you. but your question is useless since I have the parameters, I entered the apn but I couldn't find where to enter the proxy ip
This message was posted from a TSM100v
you only enter the APN, there is no way or need to enter proxy as it is automatic
Proxy's ... as they are understood are usually handled by the BES is you are on a corporate setup for email and MDS - which acts as a more powerful Proxy.
PS ANyone here at WES2009?
RIM CEO has applied for Coyote's ownership.
BES 5.0 released; but we already new this 8mths ago.
Posted: 2009-05-06 06:27:44
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Hi everyone !!
is there a way to show weather information on the main screen...
I access many cities using Viigo and that's nice!
I also use Weather bug ! But I am sure I did get see an App with large clear icons..
Any help appreciated !
Posted: 2009-05-08 10:05:36
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